Chapter Three

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"I'll keep an eye out," Stefan said, but he still seemed somewhat distracted to me. "I've got history right now, you've got Biology, but I'll walk you to class first okay, wouldn't want you to get lost." 

"I wish we just had every lesson together, it would make it more bearable," I complain, running my fingertips over the cool metal of the lockers we pass by. 

The hallways here clearout a lot quicker then I'm used too, there's only the odd late student passing by and class doesn't start for another minute. I was used to students not starting to arrive until five minutes after the final bell had tolled.

"I think that guy Mike is in the same class as you, he seems quite smitten with you," He teases, but I give him a face that shows I am not in the mood to be poked fun at. 

After a small boast of laughter, he lets it drop and before any more words can be exchanged we arrive at the classroom door, the poster of the human anatomy letting me know it's my stop. 

Stefan hands me the little slip of paper that I have to get the teacher to sign along with a supportive pat on my shoulder. How he thinks a pat on the shoulder is somehow going to give me courage is beyond me. 

We part ways and as soon as I'm left alone I have the sudden urge to flee the room and be alone somewhere. Walking numbly towards the teacher I hand him the sheet of paper without talking, and thankfully he says nothing while signing it, only opening his mouth to assign me a seat in the class.

"You can sit next to Mr. Cullen for today," He grumbled going back to setting up his desk. 

I try not to overreact, but internally my body begins to build up in a bundle of nerves, I look out across the classroom and see him sat alone at a desk. Edwards piercing black eyes are already watching me the frustration on his face from earlier now mixed with hatred. The phrase if looks could kill rushes to the forefront of my mind. 

As I walk an open window causes a breeze of air to swarm the room and suddenly my mind is clouded by the onslaught of aromas hitting me all at once. I rush to my seat, sitting down with such force the chair squeals against the marble flooring. I look around and of course just like this morning, my eyes seem to only focus on the hammering heartbeats visible underneath their skin. I can see their veins pulsing, pumping blood through their necks and exposed wrists. 

My head snaps downwards as I inhale through my mouth trying to tame the predator inside. The pulsing feeling under my eyes soon subsides, and the hunger inside of me finally feels under control yet again. I can't help but notice the way Edwards fists are balled so tightly together that his bones are straining against his pale skin. Not only that his chair is as far away from me, angled in the opposite direction.

Carefully I trail up his frame meeting his eyes which I immediately regret. Looking back at me are pitch black eyes, narrowed, and filled with pure hatred. I wasn't one to shy away or get easily scared but the look in his eyes did frighten me to the point I had to look away, and even tried to create distance between us by using my hair as a protective vail. 

He couldn't possibly hate me that quickly, could he? We haven't even spoken one word to each other, yet its almost as if he could rip my head off with how angry he is. 

As the teacher begins the lesson I try to focus, yet my body is growing warm every second I sense his eyes on me. Every now and then I peeked through the small slits in my hair to check if he'd stop staring, but I was always met with the same hate-filled eyes. I shrunk away wishing Stefan was here.

Curiosity got the best of me, I breathed in and a sweet aroma hit me, but it didn't make me feel hungry. In fact, it didn't smell like blood at all, more like some kind of honeysuckle scent, and I greedily breathed more in realizing it was coming from my lab partner. On a more worrying note, I focused solely on him, and there was no heartbeat, no rhythm that gave away his breathing pattern, in fact, there wasn't one. 

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