Chapter Six

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The next few weeks seemed to pass by in a blur, there was no sign of Damon and no more news reports of animal attacks. Stefan insisted he had it sorted every time I'd ask about him, which I chose to believe him. It wasn't like he'd given me any reason not to believe in him.

Stefan and Elena were now a couple, and I was glad to see Stefan so happy. I'd never seen him act this way before towards someone, it was clear that he was in love with her already. He told me he didn't intend on telling Elena the truth about us for a while, and I agreed it was for the best. Her life hasn't been easy up to this point, she lost her parents and brother to a car accident only a few months ago, I don't think to learn about the existence of vampires, or the fact that she was dating one was going to be easy on her.

Everyday school became a routine, that meant I knew what every day would have in store for me. My morning consisted of awkwardly eating breakfast with Stefan's relative Zac, head to school in the convertible, and endure the first couple of lessons. At lunch we now had a full table of people, some of the faces I recognized others seemed to be Jessicas friends who decided to join. Mike sent out a couple heated looks towards the newcomers Eric Yorkie and Tyler Crowley. He seemed to have a problem with anyone who talked to me. By lunch, I already knew that the person I'd hope to see wasn't coming back, so I'd finish my last few classes then head out hunting in the wilderness. 

He hasn't shown up for weeks. I knew it must have been my fault in some way, what I did to him exactly I didn't know, but he hated me so much that he actually left school to get away from me. I knew I needed to move on and focus on a different Cullen to help solve my problem.

The rain became a constant reminder of my somber mood. I was grouchy from lack of real food and lack of a particular Cullen. 

I'm a pathetic excuse for a vampire.

Stefan, Elena, Jessica and I were walking through the school corridor when we all could hear an uproar of happy cheers coming from the front entrance. Of course, the girls couldn't hear what all the fuss was about but Stefan and I could. The word snow was repeated over and over again in high spirits. I never knew there could be something worse than rain, but somehow I'd forgotten about snow.

We had reached the front entrance by now and crowds of students were either outside relishing in the cold flakes hitting their skin or standing at the open door in awe watching as it falls, sticking to the ground. Plans for a snowball fight were already underway, with everyone around me bubbling with excitement. I frowned looking at the blobs of cold fluff with disinterest.

"You game Bella?" Mike asked excitedly, apparently, he chose to ignore the look on my face.

"Uh, no thanks," I declined, already holding my textbook up to be used as a shield if anyone decided to throw a mushy ball of ice at me.

"Your hilarious Bella," Elena laughed.

"Thanks," I told her, even though I wasn't kidding. 

The feeling of cold, mushy ice slowly melting through my clothes leaving me wet wasn't something I was going to risk. I remember as I child I wouldn't even go out in the rain. Ironic how I now live in the most rain reported state in America.

We carried on to the cafeteria and out of routine, my eyes went to the table in the back of the room. I froze. There were five people sat at the table, each one covered in snowflakes laughing as they tried to shake them off. They almost looked normal, no that was a lie, they looked like a bunch of Hollywood actors pretending to be human. They were too abnormally beautiful to pull off being anywhere close to normal.

"Bella?" Elena's voice calling my name snapped me back to reality. 

When she said my name he turned in my direction, a slight smile still on his face, but in his eyes was a curiosity that I'm sure reflected my own. I don't know why but I suddenly became fully aware that he was looking directly at me. It made me a lot more self-aware. Forcing my eyesight away from him I followed a confused Elena to the lunch line, skipping all the food and buying organic lemonade to give me an excuse to stay here while others ate.

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