Chapter Nine

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"Get out!" I hissed, already crouching down into a feline position, ready for a fight.

Damon smirked, swirlingly around the glass in his hand, making the murky brown liquid splash against the sides. "I always like that about you, so fiesty... sexy." He winked.

A growl rumbled deep in my chest, I lunged at him, fangs bared ready to rip his head off or his heart, either one would do. But instead, I landed lithely onto the ground, making an impact with nothing but thin air. He laughed from the other side of the room, I stood to my feet glaring at him in disgust as he swallowed the liquid, drinking it in one easy chug.

"Now, now. Is that any way to treat the man who gave you the gift of eternal life," He said offended.

He started approaching me, like an eagle toward a field mouse, stealthily with caution, and without ever breaking that eye contact, that said he was ready to kill.

"I don't take kindly to my plans being tampered with," He began, circling me until he was behind me, out of sight.

I held my ground, keeping my chin held high. "You were just going to kill her, she's an innocent girl Damon."

"She's a carbon copy of Katherine, that's all." He snapped, his breath hitting the back of my neck.

Don't punch him, Bella, he's a lot stronger then you right now I reprimed myself.

"But that's not what this is about, is it? You still, after all these years just want to make your brothers life a living hell. When are you going to stop Damon?" I questioned.

His hands gripped my shoulders hard enough to spin me around to face him. No smirking this time, just a straight-faced serious glare. "Until he feels even an ounce of the pain of what he put me through."

I shook my head in disbelief, I was unaware of many things about the Salvatores past, but I know in my heart that whatever Stefan did couldn't have caused Damon this much pain to enact decades of torture. I'd heard Stefan apologize to Damon numerous times, but its never been enough to satisfy him. I know deep down though that Damon couldn't possibly hate Stefan that much. If he did, Stefan would have been dead a long time ago. 

Maybe that's why Stefan isn't scared of his older brother.

Just as Damon was about to say something more an overwhelming feeling suddenly surged through my lower abdomen, rising up by the second. I hadn't felt the feeling in years, but I knew what it meant. Rushing upstairs and into the bathroom, I hunched over the toilet at the exact time I threw up.

I was stunned. Stefan told me vampires didn't throw up because technically we didn't have an immune system anymore. Our blood was our natural defense healer. When I opened my eyes to see the mess I'd caused I was petrified by the thick red coating of blood staining the white ceramic. Just the sight caused me to throw up again, and even more, blood came pooling out. 

It was exhausting and painful all at once. I panted holding onto the rim of the seat, feeling a blob of blood trailing down to my chin.

"Well thats new," Damon said surprised, he waltzed into the room and knelt down beside me. He playfully jutted out his bottom lip as if to torment a child, and swiped his thumb across my bottom lip looking at the blood on his skin in distaste. "Look where all that bunny munching has gotten you," He sighed, wiping the blood off onto his black shirt. "It's only a matter of time now Bella, you need human blood, stop trying to deny it." 

"No-" I cut him off, then groaned as a pain erupted in my lower abdomen. Please not again...

"You know we can feed without killing Bells, were vampires, we eat people not Woodlin critters," He told me in a matter of fact tone.

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