Part 13- Getting to know them

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Rachel's POV

I had just walked over to the boy with Joe, whilst Erin and Jack were talking. 

"Guys!" Joe started, grabbing all the boy's attention. "This is Rachel!"

"Hi!" I said, warmly. They all came over to me. 

"Hi!" Caspar said. 

"Hi! I'm Oli!" Oli said.

"I'm Josh!" Josh greeted. 

"I'm Conor!" Conor said. 

"I'm Byron!" Byron greeted. 

"And I'm Mikey!" Mikey said. 

"Hi!" I said back. "My friend Erin is also here, she's just talking to Jack!" Erin and Jack walked over to us. 

"Hi! I'm Jack!" Jack said to me. 

"I'm Rachel!" I replied. Erin introduced herself to all the boys.

"Well, let's get seated!" Joe said, cheerily. 

We all sat down. Joe was on my left, whilst Erin was on my right. I was across from Caspar, with Conor on his left and Josh on his right. Byron was at the head of the table, whilst Jack was next to Erin. Mikey was next to Josh and Oli was next to Joe. I'm so glad I was sat next to Joe! Finally, I can get to know him better!

Everyone was so engrossed in separate conversations whilst we were waiting for our food to come. I was having a conversation with Joe and Caspar. 

"So, when did you start doing youtube?! Caspar asked me. 

"When I was 19!" I answered. 

"Woah, you've got 6.4 million subscribers in 3 years! That's amazing!" Caspar complimented. 

"Thanks!" I laughed. "So, how was it filming hit the road?!"

"Amazing!" Caspar answered.

"I loved it!" Joe replied.

As we were talking, Joe's hand brushed over mine. I felt a spark of electricity run through my body. It felt incredible! This was starting to become more than a crush. No matter how hard I was trying to fight it, I was catching feelings for Joe!

End of part 13

Authors note:

Hope you's liked the part! Well, until next time!

Rachel x 

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