recovery part one

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Nicks POV--

This past week has been pure hell. My voice is still raspy from its lack of use and I'm mentally drained, due to the fact my brain is fried after looking at a phone screen all day of old videos and pictures in attempt for me to remember anything really.
"Almost ready baby?" Demi shuffles into my hospital room
"Almost." I reply shutting my laptop and putting it into my backpack
"I'm sure as hell not going to miss this trip." I say to Demi rolling my wheel chair from the hospital window
"Dido, can I push you?" she asks grabbing the back handles of my wheel chair
"Well, I can't exactly get away from you now can I?"
She doesn't say anything as she wheels me out into the hallway.
"Ready?" she asks looking down at me
"For what?" I ask just before I'm being rolled down the hallway full speed and not slowing down anytime soon.
"Demi! Stop, I'm injured enough."
"Well like you said, you can't exactly get away from me." she says letting out a contagious laugh and somehow pushes me faster until we reach the elevator
I reach to press the button, since I'm closer but Demi smacks my hand away painfully.
"Stop. I always get to press the button." she says not jokingly
"Sorry, I forgot?" I laugh uneasily
She just wheels me into the elevator setting an uncomfortable silence
We are passing the third floor when Demi bursts out into a fit of laughter nearly shooting me out of my chair.
"What!?" I ask slightly annoyed
"I get it now." she says hitting the palm of her hand with her forehead
"Dumbass." I mutter
"What did you just say to me?" she asks spinning my wheel chair around so she could face me but before I could answer the elevator door opens and with a quick motion I roll myself out of there and to the front desk with an unhappy wife following me.
"Hey, we are checking out today. Dr.Grayton said this should all be cleared by the time we were to get down here, but she also said to double check at the front desk." I say to the nurse smiling widely down at me
"Ah yes, last name?"
"Jonas, Nick." I say glancing at Demi who confidently flicks me off
I swear this baby has her hormones through the roof.
"Here you are. Okay, yes Dr.Grayton has you cleared and ready to go. Nice meeting you."
"Yeah, thanks. You too." I say before Demi wheels me out side and into the blazing sun
"Can you hand me the bottle of water out of my backpack?" I ask Demi as she sits down on the waiting bench next to me and a little cautiously afraid I would get an outburst
"Sure, anything for you baby." She says before kissing me on the cheek and handing me my water.
We sit in silence for a few minutes before a car pulls up in front of us and Kevin rolls down the window
"Hey kids, get in the Van. We have candy." he says in a creepy voice and wide eyes
Demi busts out into laughter causing me to smile. She wheels me up the car ramp and takes a seat in between me and Frankie. I remember Kevin the most, I'm not sure if its because we were always closer or its because I'm close with Alena or what. We just seem to, click. I barely remember Joe I have an extremely faint memory of us two playing baseball when we were younger but I could very well be making it up. Frankie, I don't remember at all. Even the pictures don't do anything for me, and I can tell its killing him not me knowing him but as hard as I try I can't remember him.
"Im glad for us to get you home, where you belong." says Demi kissing me
lightly on the temple before nestling her head into the crook of my neck and letting soft snores escape her mouth.
I honestly can only remember me and Demi, and our baby of course. I don't remember the first day I woke up, but Demi said I was a wreck and I couldn't even remember my name and that we were, such well known people.
I have talked to my parents about the treatment facility ill be going into once we land back in LA, but thats about all who I have talked to since I woke up. Demi deleted all my social apps to keep me out of the public until I can function properly, this past week she has been amazing. Helping with the media, the baby, and me especially, I know has been tough on her and I respect her so much. Before I head to sleep for the rest of the plane ride I take pain killers for my hip and four advil, then curl up over Demi and try to get some rest.


Early update - five votes, one comment

Next update - Saturday

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