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Demi's Pov-
Nick and I decided to cut his trip to the facility, it would just be easier for all of us with the babies coming so early. His surgery is still scheduled for mid October which is going to send him to rehab at least five times a week, and limit his mobility to crutches but he's already on that so its not a drastic change.
"Nick, baby. Will you get me that car seat over in the corner?" I ask getting the rest of my things together and placing them into a small suitcase on the hospital bed
"Do you want me to put him in there?" he asks looking at our sleeping son
"Yes, please." Nick has really gotten around well with one crutch and he's been a huge help
"Are you guys ready?" Eddie asks taking Jackson from my grip and rubbing me lightly on the back as we say by to our three daughters for the meanwhile
"Yes, do you mind taking him to the car we will be out in a few?" asks Nick moving to my side as my dad grabs our few bags and Jackson and heads to the car
Nicks Pov-
"What are we doing about the public?" I ask Demi knowing its something we have to talk about but neither of us wanting to do so
She groans and leans on me before answering
"Well, I have tweeted a few times and a few pictures are out but really all we need to do is stay out of public and keep our information limited. I just want to focus on us right now."
"I totally agree." I peck her lightly on her temple and rest my chin on her the top of her head
"Are you ready?" she asks a few quiet moments later
I nod in reply as we say a last small goodbye to our little girls before we see them again hopefully at the earliest tonight and make our way to the car seating our son and Jackson
The security did a pretty good job of clearing out paparazzi's but there were still a few crowding the outside Hospital fence.
The house is quiet, except for Maddie and Dallas in the kitchen making breakfast as it being around eleven in the morning.
"Wheres Diana?" I ask leaning against a door frame and watching Eddie take the luggage to the laundry room and placing my still sleeping son on the counter just seconds later to be scooped out by Demi.
"Shes doing some things in the babies room." Dallas says adding a wink and nodding her head down the hall to the nursery
"Want to check it out?" asks Demi smiling slightly with Jack over shoulder, he's still so little
I nod kissing her and heading down the hall
"Wow, it looks beautiful Mom." Demi says walking over and hugging her mom and swooning over the newly renovated room
"Thanks sweetie." she smiles warmly at me before taking Jack out of my wife's arms and hugging me too
Four cribs two on one wall and two on the other with a changing table on the back wall fully stocked with fresh diapers and new baby clothes
"Its beautiful," I say hobbling over to one of the cribs and peeking inside to find light pink bedding and a small light purple bunny head with a blanket attached to it. Over the edge of crib is a plush pink blanket with a monogramed "A" on it resembling "Aria". I make my way to all the other cribs which all have the same things except for a different animal blanket inside and their own blankets monogrammed accordingly to which babies crib is which.
"I really love it." I say while watching Demi place our tiny baby down in the crib and flicking on the baby monitor attached to the side of his bed which i noticed all the babies have one with a color of tape all different indicating each babies monitor.
"This is a lot of work." Demi laughs looking at all the monitors a total of eight in pairs with the tape.
"I figured this would be easier, there are four more around the house. One in the kitchen, two in your bedroom, and one in the living room." says Diana straightening out a plush blanket on one of the babies bed
"This is way more than we could ever ask for, I love you so much." Demi says hugging her mom around the neck
omg i haven't updated in so long... sorry about that hope your holidays were nice

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