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Ryouma was taken aback by the sudden change of behavior from his lover. Of course, he already knew off the other's outbursts of overenthusiasm and bad moods, but those usually had a reason as to why; failing yet again at his mangaka career or meeting people who he revered and liked. Normal human change of emotions that affected the little one slightly more than it did the average human. They had a cause, that he oftentimes couldn't really pinpoint or fully understand, but they were rational enough.

Now this, this was pure confusion. It was different from his usual weird behavior. Odd.

His boyfriend went him out if the day, constantly claiming to be busy when Ryouma knew it wasn't true. All it took was to as Rei for his schedule to know that. Then, the second odd thing, was that he tried to make up for the lack of interaction by being overly cheery and having a smile so big when he saw him that it stopped being cute and went into the creepy territory. Apparently he was trying to signal how everything was fine between them in that way, but it was just worrying. Very worrying and not at all reassuring. Which was great. Really. He really thought that. Not.

He thought everything was going as it should, great with a little bit of perfection sprinkled onto it, but apparently not. What was he doing wrong? He had no clue.

He tried prying it out, but then on top of it not working it made Izumi just go out of his way even more. It was a grand failure, probably the greatest he ever had apart from being hypnotised to forget his beloved and almost ruin the relationship he spent so much to build and of course, the first time he found out that Izumi was a boy and very much not a girl - although he still looked the part of tomboy girl, or androgynous person with no clear gender.

Spending his time thinking about it and bit focusing at his job wasn't going to do him any help though. He had to take action. Now, if only he could catch the smaller boy to actually be able to pull his plan off. And he actually needed a plan too, so there was that. He never said he thought all of it through. He was an actor for a reason; he didn't do the thinking/plotting he actedit out. He did stuff, following lines. Not creating those lines.

Maybe he could ask a friend for help? He certainly knew people who could manipulate someone easy peasy and Izumi was naive enough to trust and like somebody that was essentially nothing more than a stranger. 

But that would be manipulating HS boyfriend and he seriously doubted that that was a healthy relationship, so he was on square one; make Izumi want to confuse in him what was going on.

Maybe he could get Rei to arrange a date between two? A date sounded like a good idea, making them closer again.

And maybe he could get additional information about what was going on with Izumi.

Love Stage!! Ryouma X Izumiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن