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Of everything fails, then at least he had a sound ground to fall onto. He still had an awesome lover, a loving and supportive family that would take care of him in case things go wrong. And it wasn't as if one couldn't successfully rebuild himself after this. There were many people that made amazing comebacks and everybody knew the story of  phoenix. He could do it, couldn't he?

No, he couldn't. He most likely didn't and his low self-confidence didn't help much in terms of making him feel better. It was low self-confidence and not high for a reason. But all of that was fine, because Izumi never intended to become a model and an actor. He was far from the best mangaka around and in the meanwhile he did become a lot better, but he also realised along the way that he didn't need to draw for him to create Manga. Many of them started off as light novels and similar and these days, lots of popular webnovels get turned into Manga and the original artist doesn't have to have any drawing ability. He published a couple of them and they have been doing well. So well, that he could probably support himself if he chose to live frugal.

Of course, he wasn't going to give up on his already established career now. Rei would kill him. But as it was, he couldn't exactly model when he got into his thirties. Okay, he could, but the majority of models stop around that time and while he could continue doing that because of popularity, he had a sound ground of why he didn't want to be in that industry. And if he actually continues like this, maybe in about a year or two he would be able to find a Manga Artist that would want to illustrate his novels; he was rather certain that he wouldn't come anywhere near being offered a deal that included a Manga adaptation of his works. But it was fine. He was still building a name and a fanbase for himself, and although that was a slow process, he was getting to where he wanted to.

But at the same time, his acting career has been insane. He played in the ten most popular dramas this year and there were talks about him playing in an upcoming movie, maybe host a short TV show or film something overseas. There were plenty of lucrative offers and Izumi certainly was now a busy man. He didn't have much time for anything, let alone time to waste. Or write. Or draw. Man, he didn't draw in a long, long time and he won't have time for it in the near future either.

But, he was still an otaku, just as he was before the insanity started (although, his life was kinda always abnormal). In order to keep himself near his roots and the industry he was in, he started voice acting, too. Rei approved of it and Izumi got to be at least near the Anime industry, even if he didn't get to actively participate in it. Not really.

His boyfriend approved too, because he was jealous and the less hot people Izumi was around, the better.

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