Babysitting Night

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The day has come for me to babysit my neighbors two young daughters aged between 10-12. I notice that once again, they are playing outside in the street, barefoot. I see their soles are very black and dirty from the pavement and I wonder, they must be moving just fast enough that the ground doesn't burn their feet.

A few hours later, a little before I go over to their house, I grab a bag of some supplies I might need. Then I head over.

I get to their house and the mom answers the door.

"Hello" I say.

"High, cmon in!" She says.

"Thank you. Wow, I love your house."

"Oh thank you. Okay so basically I just need you to watch them overnight if that's okay?" She asks.

"That's perfectly fine."

"Excellent." She says. She proceeds to tell me where the snacks are and that I can use the pool when the girls are in bed if I want. Then she writes down any phone numbers I can contact her by and then grabs her stuff.

"Are you sure you can watch them overnight? If you can't that's perfectly fine." She asks.

"No no I got this. You go have a fun night. Relax. I'll call you if I need anything." I say.

She opens the door and walks out, then shuts it. A few seconds pass and she opens the door again.

"Oh um, just for something fun to do if you want, the girls play outside a ton as you may know." She says.


"Well, their feet are very very dirty and in our house you have to be barefoot. So if you want, could you get them to clean their feet for me? Wait, on second thought, you clean them. Give em a good scrubbing. And if they try to stop you or give you problems when you do it, just tickle them." She says.

"Tickle them?" I ask.

"Yea. Nothing wrong with a little harmless tickling right. Plus, they could use it. They haven't laughed much these days. Oh and one more thing. If you tickle them, use whatever you want on them. Have fun." She says.

"Alright. Thanks for the heads-up."

"Bye" she says, shutting the door.

I wait for her to leave the driveway and then I watch for her to get past the community gate. Once she turns down the road, I go start finding supplies that they have to add to my arsenal.

I find rope, duck tape, whipped cream, peanut butter, maple syrup, and a few other items.

I sit on the couch to pass some time and think about my plan.

Thirty minutes pass and now it's about seven o'clock. The girls have already eaten dinner so I don't have to
worry about that. I grab my bag with all the supplies in it, and I head upstairs.

When I get up there, I discover that the girls share a room. That'll be helpful so I don't have to run back and forth to tickle them. I have em both right here in close proximity.

"Hey" the oldest girl says.

"Hi. Whatcha guys doing?" I ask, noticing that both girls are barefoot, just like their mom said they have to be. I also notice that they are both wearing tank tops. That gets me thinking.

"Nothing, just reading and doing our nails." The oldest girl says. She is painting her little sisters toenails a cute red color while she reads.

"Oh fun. Now I don't meant to cut this short, but I've been tasked with cleaning your feet." I say.

The girls stop and look at me. "You what?"

"Now I know it sounds weird, but bare with me. Right before she left, your mom told me I should clean your feet. So finish up doing your nails and then I'm gonna need your attention." I say.

"Well, alright then." They day in a curious tone.

The older sister finishes her sisters nails, then hands her a bottle of light blue nail polish and stretches her legs out. The little sister opens the bottle and carefully starts painting her sisters toes.

"Now that I think about it, our feet really are dirty." The little sister says.

"Yea I guess so." Her big sister says in agreement.

I walk around their house for a few minutes to let them finish doing their nails.

I head back to their room to start on their feet.

"Alright. Now I know you two are old enough to clean your own feet, but since your mom wanted me to help you with them, that's what I'm gonna do. Also, I need you to do something for me." I say.

"What?" The oldest girl asks.

"It's gonna sound weird, but I need you to both get on your beds and put your arms above your head." I say.

"Why?" The youngest one asks.

"Because this might tickle your feet a little and I want to get it over with quick without being hit or you squirming too much." I say.

"So we have to put our arms above our heads so we don't squirm?" The older one asks.

"Yes." I say.

"How is that gonna stop us from squirming?" She asks again.

"Just trust me. Once you put them up, you'll know how it'll stop you." I reply.

"I'm okay.." she says.

Both girls get in their beds and put their arms above their heads. I take some rope out of my bag and begin tying them down.

A few minutes later....

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