Ticklish Snack Time

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With her little sister tickling her armpits and me ticking her feet, the older girl is in tickle hell!

"Can it be my turn yet? I feel like it's been forever since this started!" The older girl says.

"NEVER!" Her little sister says in a menacing-laughing voice.

"You can in a few minutes."

"Good! Because your are so gonna get it sis!" The older girl says.

"Nah. As long as I'm on here, on top of you, tickling your pretty adorable armpits, I'm never gonna stop! Your never getting out!" The little sis says.

"We'll see about that!" The older girl says.

At this point I have easily tickled every single spot on her feet. All over her toes, her arches, center soles, every where!

Her sister has hopefully covered her armpits completely.

I look up and notice the sister has her little bare feet sticking out since she is squated on her sister.

I reach up and tickle her feet quick then shoot back to her sister.

"Hey! Not my feet! Hers!" She says.

"Haha sorry. Couldn't help it. You have cute little feet and toes."

"Thanks but don't tickle me."

"Your right. Your turn is later." I say.

She looks back at me again. "Seriously?"

I give her a funny look - "Oh sorry. Out loud again?"

"Very funny" she says annoyed.

"I'm gonna grab a snack. Be right back" I get up and run to the kitchen. I grab a few things then head back to the room.

"Alright, i grabbed a couple of things here. Maple syrup, whipped cream, etc..."

The little sister looks at me. "Why did you grab those? Those aren't snacks."

"Just watch. You'll be eating them for a snack in a minute."

"What are you gonna do with them?" The older sister asks.

I take the maple syrup and walk over to the older girl.

"What are you doing?"

I pop it open and let a nice stream of syrup land in her armpit.

"Ewww. Stop it that's gross." She says.

"What the..." the little sister says.

I drop some into her other armpit now.

"There we go!"

I look at the little sister. "Snack time"

"You want me to lick the syrup out of her armpits?" She asks.


"No. That's gross. I'm not doing it."

"Uh, Wait a second. Remember our deal? You do as I say or you get tied back up."

"Come on man. Fine" she says. She climbs on top of her sisters waist and gets back in position.

"Sis do not lick my armpits! Don't you dare!" Older sis says.

"I have to. I don't want to be tied up." She pulls her hair back and lowers her head to her sister's armpit.

She pauses, then begins to lick at the syrup.

"Oh my god!" Older girl says.

I proceed to pour syrup into her other armpit.

"Switch it up a bit when you want. I put syrup in her armpit." I tell The you get sister.

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