basic as hEcC-Real life Rant

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All schools have the very stereotypical "Basic White Girls," kinda group right? Unless you've got a good personality, the fact that you think wearing vineyard vines and making fun of the shy kids in class doesn't make you cool. For the love of god, every day I see these type of girls (and boys!) making fun of the quieter classmates.
Does anyone else find that annoying? And the ones who never shut up, too. It really bothers me when people like this talk through entire lectures, especially if they're important. I hear people every day just being plain rude and disrespectful to some of the teachers. I get it. Some of them suck. But at least don't fricking talk if there might be kids who need to listen.
I feel like people like this always feel like they're somehow better than everyone. That they come first. They seem to feel the need to make everyone else feel small in order to feel like more than a worn out stereotype everyone is real sick of.
I don't wan't to say that just because you like things like Vineyard Vines and Starbucks that you're automatically "basic." I'm sorry. I don't mean to add on to things like that. That just seems to be the way it takes place in my school.
A thing I find hilarious about this special little breed of teens is the fact that they travel in packs like f***ing wolves. They always have to be with their "biffles" or their "squad." Just so you're aware, yes I did get cancer from typing those words. I looked up the word "biffles," and apparently its just a dumber word for best friend. It sounds like a knockoff type of cereal of pancake mix to me, but hey what do I know. Maybe it was cool. In the 3rd grade.
However the thing about these "packs" is that nobody in them ACTUALLY likes each other. They'll be like "with my squadddddd! #loveubella" but in reality they literally diss each other beyond belief??? I don't understand how that's friendship? I'd feel so uneasy knowing my "friends" quite literally seem to want nothing to do with me. I find it odd that some people enjoy that. Maybe it's the drama? Who knows. I don't.
Anyway, people like this just...bother me. I'm currently in Middle School, soon to be High School. I wonder if this gets better as people mature more? I guess that there are all different people, and nobody can tell for sure.
Just one more thing. If you know someone like this, don't ever let them boss you around. I find the way to avoid them is to just not pay attention to them, as stupidly cliche as that sounds. And your friends should be people you like to hang around with. People who treat you like the absolute f***ing royalty you are. Because it's people like these (at least in my school) who always start things like bullying.

eyyyy! Thanks so much for reading my first little passage in Real life Rants and aWkWaRd Anecdotes ! I really appreciate it. I'm newer to WattPad, and finding it hard to get people to read my stories, but I'm having fun.

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