Divinity among dragon slayers

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"STOP RIGHT THERE!" A man huffed, running through the woods.

"Ugh, doesn't this guy know when to quit? FINE, THEN, DIVINE FLAME DRAGON'S CROSS!" An teenager screamed as he pulled out two swords and made an X of black flames.

"UGH DAMN IT!" The man yelled, furious, as he was stopped.

"Heh, this is too easy." The teenager said to himself with a smirk as he kept running "I expected more of the guy, but hey, who am I to judge?" He thought, then stopped and looked around. "No way he's gonna catch up to me. Today was the day he almost captured the divine dragon slayer DUST DATE!" Dust crowed, full of himself. "Awww, shit, I forgot to check my swords. Okay, one two, three, four, five, six... Yep that's all of them." He said in relief, then checked his pocket. "Heh heh, this is worth so much jewel..." He remarked, looking very satisfied.

"I miss having a challenge..." He added, a little disappointed. He started walking to the edge of the forest. "Maybe Sabertooth could give me a decent fight... although..... Fairy Tail sounds even better...." Dust said, smirking at the sun. He then started walking across the open plains, straightening his helmet as he stepped. "But even then, not all members of Fairy Tail could be a worthy opponent for me." He added confidently.

"HEY DUST!" A figure emerged from the shadows to shout at him.

"Oh, shit!" Dust muttered as he jumped, barely avoiding the spikes of black ice rupturing from the earth.

"Haha, I can never seem to surprise you, can I, Dust?" A girl with white hair flowing in the wind said, looking down at him.

"You know, Celestia, a normal hello would have been nice too..." Dust sweatdropped.

"Nah, that's cliche and you know it." Celestia said, crossing her arms.

"Typical." Dust snorted. "So how are things?" He asked.

"Well... I got an job as a bounty hunter." Celestia announced with a sly smile.

"That's great! Congratula-" His eyes widened as he realized what this meant. "Oh, goddamnit!" Dust cursed, his tone changing quickly. Celestia giggled, but her expression quickly turned serious.

"Sorry, Dust. It's nothing personal." Celestia said, black hail beginning to fall.

"Oh, come on! Do we really have to do this?!" Dust groaned, getting out all six of his swords. The hail continued to fall, so he sighed. "Fine, then, let's PARTY!" Dust said, aiming three of the six swords at Celestia, tired though he was.

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