Battle among slayers

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"DIVINE FLAME DRAGON'S SLASH!" Dust shouted, all of his swords engulfed in black flames, which slashed in a cross.

"Crap!" Celestia thought as she jumped back and onto the grassy plains "That tree didn't do anything to you!" Celestia shouted at Dust, dismayed.

"Heh, sorry, it's hard to aim with one eye." Dust said jokingly.

"Yeah, whatever. To be honest, you look like a cross of a samurai and a pirate." Celestia said with a smile.

"Hey, you're in no place to give fashion advice!" Dust protested in mock offense, making Celestia's smile widen.

"Shall we continue?" Celestia asked, changing the subject. "It's boring just standing here!"

"I'd rather not. I don't want to hurt you." Dustt said, studying Celestia's face.

"You know, Dust, you're a bit soft for a criminal-- especially towards me." Celestia said with a giggle.

"I'm justified. You're my best and only friend." Dust retorted, now slightly annoyed

"I guess you're right. As long as I can remember, we've been each other's only company." Celestia said, the smile returning to her face.

"How about you forget the giant bounty on my head, and we can just go back to normal." Dust offered, smiling back.

"Very well." Celestia said with a smile.

"Besides, we both know who would have come out on top." The two added in unison, making them both laugh a little.

"So what did you steal this time? The guy really was set on having me catch you." Celestia asked, looking curiously at Dust.

"Some cool-looking talisman." Dust said, showing her the bag he had stolen.

"Well, Dust, I guess I'll see you later, alright? Got some other criminals to catch." Celestia said, getting up.

"See ya!" He shouted back, waving at Celestia's retreating form. "Heh, now it's time for me to go too." dust muttered, walking away "I wonder... I already have a pretty nice bounty on my head. How long will it take to have Fairy Tail after me? This might get interesting after al- Wait, what?" dust said as he turned around and saw that the forest was on fire "Oh, goddamnit!" dust thought, darting towards the forest and opening his mouth wide to consume the flames.

"Man, I'm stuffed." Dust said to himself after eating all the fire. "Time to lose some." dust decided, lifting his head to the sky. "DIVINE FLAME DRAGON'S HOWLING ROAR!" Dust shouted, a giant line of black flames crossing the sky in a deadly arc. "Phew, that really made some space." dust sighed in relief, crossing onto a dirt road. He made a turn and continued forward.

"Might as well head home." Dust said, continuing to follow the path. After hours of walking he finally arrived at isolated cabin in the woods. "FINALLY HOME!" Dust announced himself to the empty house, kicking open the door and walking inside. "Time to eat." Dust opened a can and gulped down the contents. He'd spent a little too much on the attack after eating the forest fire. "I'm tired.. time to take a well-deserved nap." He muttered, flopping exhaustedly on the bed and quickly sinking into a peaceful rest until the next day.

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