The journey to join the guild

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"So, what's up?" Dust said somewhat nervously. The smaller man let out a small cough.

"How would you and your friend like to join Fairy Tail? We could use two strong wizards like you." The older man said, standing there looking expectant.

"OF COURSE! It would be our pleasure!" Celestia said ecstatically. Joining a guild had been one of her dreams for a while now.

"Sure, I'd like that." Dust said with a smile.

"Then it's settled. Welcome to Fairy Tail!" The man said, raising his hands.

"So what was the army for?" Dust asked, looking back at the crowd.

"Oh, they were backup in case something went wrong." The old man said, smiling a little sheepishly.

"Hold up, you brought THIS many people just to try and take out Celestia and I?!" Dust said, shocked.

"Yep. Well, the rest of us are gonna go back to the guild so we'll see you guys there." Gray said, waving as he walked away.

"Well, Celestia, seems like your dream has finally come true. You know, the one of you joining a guild-- and your favorite one, too." Dust pointed out, looking at the white-haired mage.

"Yeah, this day can't get any better." Celestia sighed contentedly, smiling at the horizon.

"Yeah..." Dust murmured, shifting his gaze to look up at the sky.

"So, Dust, what were you and Lucy doing in the woods?" Celestia asked, smirking.

"Nothing! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Dust snapped, crossing his arms and looking insulted.

"I WASN'T THINKING THAT! WHY WOULD YOU EVEN ASSASUME THAT?!" Celestia yelled in protest, face red from embarrassment.

"Well, your smirk suggests why." Dust muttered.

"I was kidding! I didn't think you'd overreact like that!" Celestia protested, sighing in disappointment.

"Well, I'm gonna go grab my stuff." Dust said abruptly, walking off.

"Hey, wait up!" Celestia yelled as she ran after him.

"BOSS!" A tiny, white, dragon-like creature called, landing on the ground.

"Oh, hey Bazzus, where'd you run off to?" Dust inquired of the wyvern.

"Sorry, boss! I just saw a bird and I wanted to play... But it didn't want to play with me..." Bazzus said, lowering his head.

"It's fine, just don't do it again. You missed something cool." Dust said, continuing towards his cabin.

"Wait for me, boss!" Bazzus said, walking uncomfortably after him.

"Hey, Dust, wait! I left my stuff at your place!" Celestial reminded him, running to catch up to him.

"Well, Dust Date, you and your guild were targets from the start, but being able to swat two flies at once? Master will be pleased to know this..." Masturai said, smirking as she watched from the tree tops, then jumped away further into the forest.

"I felt like I heard something..." Bazzus muttered, scrutinizing the tree line.

"It's probably nothing." Dust said nonchalantly, packing his bags.

"Yeah." Bazzus said as he hopped onto Dust's shoulder. "So, boss, what happened while I was gone?" The wyvern asked worriedly.

"We fought Fairy Tail and and then Masturai." Dust crowed proudly, a grin spreading across his face.

"THAT'S AWESOME, BOSS! Did you win!?" Bazzus pressed.

"Well against Masturai, kinda. And Fairy Tail, well... We ended up joining them! Surprise!" Dust grinned, doing jazz hands.

"That's amazing, especially for Miss Winter!" Bazzus said, flapping his wings. The motion kept hitting Dust on the back of the head.

"Aww, thanks, Bazzus! Now stop flapping your wings; you're hitting Dust and we both know how that ended last time." Celestia said with a poker face as she moved Bazzus to her own shoulder.

"Well, anyway, let's just go on ahead." Dust said, shouldering both his and Celestia'a bags.

"We'll catch up in a second, don't worry!" Celestia called, smiling, as she walked to the cabinet to get some food for the long journey.

"Come on, Celestia, we don't have all day!" Dust yelled from outside, waiting for Celestia.

"COMING!" Celestia shouted back as she dashed outside with a bag full of food.

"Well, let's go. The road isn't short, that's for sure..." Dust muttered, crossing onto a dirt road.

"I know that! It's not like Magnolia is a five-minute walk!" Celestia said, walking beside him.

"Well, MAGNOLIA, HERE I COME!" Dust crowed, raising his fist to the sky. "I hope you see me, Flamyu. Or should I say, Miss Fire Dragon Goddess... wherever you are." Dust thought with a hopeful smile.

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