Ch. 2: Mackenzie

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''Dad. It's not because you're a rich super hot supermodel you get the right to cheat Alex with 3 side chicks.'' I gushed out.

He looked at me confused. I cross my arms.

''I'm not cheating.'' He says. ''I'm EXPERIMENTING.''

I looked at him slightly annoyed. Since he hit his gay phase, he cheats on Alex with girls, and guys, and argues that he's still not sure if he's gay, and just experimenting. As if that didn't count.

''You should know by now. You're with a GUY.''

Just then, Alex bursts in

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Just then, Alex bursts in.

''Shreky-Poo?!'' he says joining in the conversation we were having in the middle of our apartment's driveway. ''I've been thinking, and I wanna get married.''

Shrek looks at me with wide eyes.

''What a great idea!'' He says fakely. ''Can we just have this talk later?'' He adds.

''Of course.'' Alex pauses. ''In bed.'' and walk away.

Disturbed, I watch him walk away.

''I'm NOT ready to get married when I'm still experimenting!'' He says grabbing my arms.

''DAD! You're not experimenting, you're cheating! You ARE gay.'' I scream.

He lets go of me.

''I guess you're right.'' He looks down. ''But promise you won't tell I've cheated on him with all of 666 children of Angelina!''

I nod.

''Just... promise you'll never cheat again. Okay?'' 

He nods and walks away. I smile. What would he do without me? Right then, I get a phone call. It's Madison. I pick up the call.



''... BY DAD!''

''Not again...''


Good cliffhanger?

Remember, next chapter is

on Madison's point of view.

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