I don't upload a lot...

45 3 0

This is why.

Okay... So. 3 days ago, I had a bigass back pain at night, it went on all night and I couldn't sleep. But I'm Jojo, so I always have energy. Anyways, I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think it was urgent. And anyway, there was no more pain in the morning. I'd rate it 7 on 10 the pain.That day, (before yesterday) I was fine all day. But then I went to sleep, and that's when the pain came back. But this time it was worse, I was on the verge of tears. So I decided to tell my dad. I woke him up, it literally took 3 minutes of poking him and whispering ''Dad! Wake up!'' but once he woke up, he got a bit scared. Anyways, I tell him my back pain. He decides to help me find solutions, and this is what he did: gave me Advil, and placed pillows to help my back pain. (He's was once a massager and knew what he was doing.) Gave me water, and jumped to the conclusion that I had these back pains because I crack a lot, and sit badly. Anyways, I'd rate that back pain 8.5 on 10. He decides to keep me from going to school, even tho I had 2 tests: Math Ghc. (I actually studied.) At about... 9:00 the pain went away, and at 1, we went t go see a doctor. The doctor said it was fine... And that it should go away by tomorrow.BUT SHE WAS WRONG. At about 10:00 at night, we were watching tv, about to go to sleep. The back pain comes back, but this time. It was 10 on 10. I was crying, and I wasn't able to breathe properly. I ran outside for air, now not only the back hurt but also the front. I wasn't able to breathe, no air was coming in or out. It took me 20 seconds to breathe again. My dad's reaction was like: Maybe you should take a bath. WTF DAD?! I actually thought I was going to die, and I saw it pass away in my mind. He brings me upstairs where I lay down in my bed, still with a lot of difficulty to breath. He finally decides to call 911.

(Soory a bit long.)

And this is the conversation he has.Police: 911 what's your emergency.Dad: So... Um. I have this 14-year-old girl that can't breathe?Police: We'll send an ambulance right away.Dad: Lol no. I just need the phone number for that advice thing, but I forgot their number.Police: Um... 811?!Dad: Yeah thanks.Me: I can-'t breathe...Police: Are you sure you don't want an ambulance?Dad: *explains the whole situation while I'm actually suffocating.*

Dad: *Closes phone and calls 811*

Dad: So I have this 14-year old that can't breathe?Girl: Want us to send an ambulance.Dad: That's funny because 911 said the same thing. But ay way, what should I do? *explains my situation again*Girl: *Tries and tells him what to do, which is the same thing my dad did, and that didn't help.*Dad: *Hears knock*Dad: Larry?! (my sister) Could you get it, please?Larry: FUCK OFF. (She was downstairs still watching tv.)Dad: *goes to pick up the door, 2 polices are there.)Dad: why are you guys here?Police 1: Yeah so. We thought it was an emergency, so we came to be sure.Me: *YES! I HAVE fewer CHANCES OF DYING. STILL CAN'T FUCKING BREATHE.*So the police just stand there, while my dad is talking to the phone still, I ask for a garbage where I throw up.Girl: Okay so. Here are some signs that you should bring he to the hospital. Her tits hurt.Me: *Yes*Girl: She just threw up.Me: *Yes*Girl: Her eyes close on their own.Me: *YES*Girl: Her stomach is hard.Me: *YESSS*Girl: She's sweaty.Me: *YES. BRING ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL BEFORE I FUCKING DIIIE.*Dad: Welp. Goodbye, mam. *CLoses phone*Me: *NOOO*Police 1: I guess everything is fine then.Police2: Welp, let's go. goodbye!They walk out, after 20 minutes, I start breathing properly-ish. It still hurts, but I can. I lay down and relax, to later go sleep in my dad's room just to be sure I don't die in my sleep. And now, I'm waking up.

I don't know if it'll happen tonight.

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