Red Carpet

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Before you even made it back to the bus that night, fans had plastered pictures and videos of your kiss on every social media outlet. The captions were adorable for the most part.

"OMG yes Brendon!"

"This was so cute I almost DIED"

"I CALLED IT! I knew it the very first time I saw her on his Snapchat!"

"OTP material right there"

"OH MY GOD You should hear her sing!"

Some of the comments were not so nice.

"I see Brendon is lowering his standards"

"Ugh please get rid of her"

"I don't know why Brendon is spending his time on this ugly shit"

You try to remember the positive comments. You try to remind yourself that the people posting hate were probably jealous 14 year old girls. You try, but for each nice thing said, it felt like there were a thousand negative ones.

Regardless, Brendon still makes you as high as a kite. Sometimes you'd go out to amazing restaurants, and others you would just stay in to watch Netflix and movies, snuggling all day. He had this ability to make you smile for no reason in particular. You were practically inseparable and felt like you were getting closer to him with every second.

Panic released a single the next week, one that you had recorded on. The fans were saying the nicest things about it, talking about how much they loved it, how your voice sounded amazing with Brendon's, and how well written the song was. Despite all of the praise, you found yourself stuck on the negative comments.

"Why is Brendon letting his fling ruin the band?"

"This bitch's voice could not get any worse."

"Please take me back to before Panic turned to shit with this girl"

"I didn't know Brendon was into butter faces"

Some of the confidence Brendon had instilled in you was fading. You think it might be getting noticeable because Brendon keeps asking you what you're thinking about. You always come up with a lie or a casual "nothing".

The Grammy's are today. You could not believe you would be walking the red carpet, with Brendon Urie, no less. He was in the shower, and you were sitting on the bed, scrolling through your phone. You look at a picture of you and Brendon on instagram. You can't help but smile.

Your eyes then fall upon a comment that makes your smile drop.

"I don't understand why y/n had to come and ruin the band."

It's not the first time you've read a comment like that, and it certainly won't be the last. You read things like that all the time. But it hits you in just the wrong way. You think about how tonight everyone would be looking at you, judging you, asking you questions... Suddenly you feel yourself regressing into the shy, insecure girl you were before you met Brendon. Tears fell from your eyes and you nibbled your lip.

You felt sick to your stomach. Was it true? Were you ruining the band? What if interviewers start asking you that? What if a disgruntled fan tried to hurt you?

You hear the bathroom door push open and you quickly roll onto your side so Brendon can't see your face. You hold your breath, hoping he didn't see.

"Y/n?" his voice was thick with concern. You're caught.

Well, no point in hiding it now. Your body shook a little as you let out another sob. You feel the bed sink down behind you and a hand is placed on your shoulder, encouraging you to roll towards it. You obey and Brendon sets eyes on your red face that's wet with tears and your eyelashes soaked.

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