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You and Brendon stepped off the bus and walked your way to the entrance of the venue. The barricades guiding your path were lined with fans. You both stop along the way, signing things and happily taking selfies with the fans. You and Brendon adore your fans so much because their support and love for you is so amazing. Sometimes though, it can be overwhelming.

Right now, you are overwhelmed. You haven't had a good night's sleep in days and you are not used to having such a high level of fame. Sometimes it was just too much. Your life when you played at coffee shops with an audience of two–aka the two baristas working there–is definitely done.

As you begin to take a step down the line, you feel a firm grasp on your arm. The hand gripped you so tightly it hurt, and it tugs you back over. You lose your footing and nearly fall. The unexpected pull forces air from your lungs into a small cry. You look up and see it's a male fan, a crazed look in his eyes. You tear your arm out of his grip and Zach is immediately next to you, shoving the man away. You begin to back away slowly, closer to the door of the venue completely shocked. Zach is asking if you're okay and you nod.

Brendon had looked over at the sound of your struggle and saw the tail end of the violent interaction. You turn around and run to the venue. Brendon immediately pursues you.

You think Brendon might be saying something, calling after you, but all you can hear is your pulse roaring in your ears. You don't know when your breathing picked up its pace, but you're now swallowing down air at an alarming rate. The more you tried to breathe, the less air you seemed to get.

You burst through the venue's entrance and see a bathroom ahead of you, making it your destination. Your dress suddenly feels ten sizes too small, suffocating you.

Once you've made it through the door, you're trying desperately to pull the zipper on the back of your dress down. You brace yourself with one hand against the tiled wall, doubling over, trying to breathe. Your other hand reaches behind you and fumbles with the zipper. Tears begin running down your face in heavy drops. It only makes you feel like you're drowning. Your too shaky to hold the zipper, let a lone pull it down.

Brendon doesn't hesitate to follow you into the ladies room.

"Y/n," his voice was thick with concern as he hurried over to you.

You look at him with untamed eyes, gasping for air and desperate to undo your dress. You say nothing to him, but he still knows what you need.

"Okay, it's okay," Brendon says soothingly as he easily grasped the zipper and pulled it down in one swift motion.

You shed the dress instantly and hastily step out of it, backing away. You are left in your bra and underwear in the middle of the empty public bathroom. You wrap your arms around yourself, sucking in air but feeling no oxygen. You sink your nails into your skin, trying to feel something, anything other than this.

Brendon takes a cautious step towards you.

"Baby, you're okay," He looked deeply into your eyes, "Just breathe." He takes another step towards you, extending his hand.

You hesitate and then grab it, your body like a magnet to his. He holds you close.

"In and out, Y/n," Brendon whispered softly, "It's alright." He has an idea.

He unbuttons the top of his shirt and guides your hand in, pressing your palm on the center of his chest.

"Do you feel it?" Brendon asks.

It's his heartbeat, tapping against your hand. You nod.

"Focus on that," he says slowly, "Just try to focus."

You concentrate as hard as you can on it. His heart feels like a rhythmic reminder of his love, his voice like a sedative, the heat of his body warming your bare skin. You take a breath that actually fills your starving lungs.

The oxygen seems to return to the room around you. Once you could breathe again, you started to sob, sliding your hand up to clutch onto the collar of Brendon's shirt. He walked you over to the counter and lifts you up, placing you gently down onto it, never separating his chest from yours.

"Shhh, it's okay," He said gently, stroking the bare skin on your back. The sensation is nice and cooling. Your cries were slowing. "Talk to me baby," He encourages you.

"I was," You stutter, sniffling, "I was so scared, Bren. He grabbed my arm and my mind just went blank..."

"Just your arm?" Brendon confirms, his body tensing. If the man touched you anywhere else, he would have to answer to Brendon and the boys.

"Mhm," you nod honestly. Brendon pulls away to look you over.

"Did he hurt you?" Brendon asks.

"No," you begin to reply, lifting your arm. You both look down and see the fingerprint bruises appearing on your skin. "Ouch," you say, furrowing your brow. Brendon sighs heavily.

"Oh Y/n, are you sure you're okay?" He asks with a concern, "We could get a medic to check you out–"

"No, no, I'm fine Bren," You reassure him quickly. You wipe your tears and take a breath. He looks at you, unsure. "Really Bren, it's just a couple bruises. I was just scared, that's all."

Brendon's cheek pulls into an uncertain look. You pause.

"Really, really scared," you add in a whisper, eyes watering. Brendon takes both of your hands in his.

"Y/n, you are safe," He looks into your eyes deeply, "You have me, I'm right here, okay? I would never let anything happen to you. Plus you have Zach and you have the whole band. All of us will kick anyone's ass for you."

"I know," You smile lightly, "Zach was right there with me before I even knew it," you remind yourself, always impressed with how much he cared about you.

"Right," Brendon agreed, "We got you, Y/n, alright?"

"This whole fame thing is new to me," you admit, "Makes me anxious."

"That's okay," Brendon said, "I'm with you every step of the way, okay? You're never alone."

You nod pull him close, sighing into his shoulder.

He was your safety, your sanctuary, your everything.

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