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The day had finally come: you were at the Reading and Leeds Festival.  The plane ride from LA all the way to London was long and exhausting. The jet lag hit you like a bus, but luckily you had an extra 2 days to  adjust before performing.

This show is a big deal. Not only is it  one of Brendon's favorite places to play, you're also the headliners.  Crowds were expecting Panic to be a big finale, the best of the best. It  was a lot of pressure on its own, not even including the bottling.

It  was a customary rite of passage for new bands to have bottles thrown at  them. Even though Panic had played there before, you hadn't, so there  was a possibility the crowd would do it. You all prepared yourselves  just in case. You were assigned to protecting Dallon while Brendon  guarded Kenny since they don't have any hands free to protect  themselves.

When you're about to go on, Brendon can see the  anxiety written all over your face. He wraps an arm around your waist  and pulls you close.

"Don't worry, Y/n," he reassured you, "It's going to be great."

You  took great comfort in his soothing words and smiled a little. He kisses  you gently and you feel a warm blanket of confidence wrap around you.

It's  minutes later that you're running on stage, the crowd roaring. Your  opening song goes well. Only one bottle was thrown and it barely even  made it on stage. By the third song, you were comfortable with your  performance.

But you let your guard down, which was a big mistake.

In  the middle of LA Devotee, you turned to walk towards the other end of  the stage. A bottle was careening through the air. Before you could even  flinch, it collided with your head as Brendon watched, unable to react  quickly enough.

The end of the word you were singing fell from  your mouth as you started to fall to the ground. Your vision was black  and suddenly you were gone.

"Y/N!" Brendon yelled as you  collapsed down onto the stage. The boys immediately stopped playing at  the sound of his strangled voice.

There was a collective gasp from the audience. Zack was sprinting on stage over to you.

"Y/n?" Brendon called to you as he dropped to his knees next to you, placing a hand on your cheek.

You  don't respond, your eyes remaining shut. Brendon feels something warm  on his fingertips and realizes there is now blood running across them.  You're bleeding from a cut on the side on your head.

"Shit,"  He swears to himself before placing his hand over the wound in an  attempt to stop the slow but steady flow of blood. "Y/n?" He begged,  desperate for any movement, any sign that you could hear him.

Zack  arrived, skidding to a stop as he got down on the ground with you and  Brendon. He sees the red seeping through Brendon's hand and an extra  shock of adrenaline races over him.

Zack looked offstage and signaled for more help with a wave.

"WE NEED MEDICS HERE!" He shouted to the stage crew, "NOW!"

Zack focused back on you.

"Y/n?" Zack tried as he squeezed your shoulder but you remained completely unresponsive.

"Baby, open your eyes," Brendon pleaded.

The  rest of the boys were in shock, not moving from where they stood. When  Dallon notices the blood coming from your head, he grabs a clean towel  and runs it over to Brendon. He takes it and covers your cut, holding it  to your head. Dallon steps back and looks on with anxiety, his hand  cradling his forehead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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