sam's catch

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Her eyes wander as she sits I front of an old department store. They do not meet the bags in the front window of the Gucci store across the way. They do not stop to look at the man lying across a tattered blanket next to an alley way. They don't even glance at the man in front of her, bribing her to sleep with him.

Death does things to people. Changes their views. Her mind that once relied on popularity now focuses on blending in with the crowd. Her eyes that once loved her crush, now see threats in everyone. Her trust, morals, and overall self-view changed when a woman she knew for a month died in front of her eyes. So she sits and waits for her next "client" to arrive.

She is a hunter if all things. A being solely born to pull the evil from the planet they live, no matter man or supernatural. Given with natural instinct, that when put in the proper situation can come out full blast and kill many people. Strategy. Timing. Skill. All put into her as if she was touched by a god.

Heroes are made, not born.

It also helps that she was born half werewolf. Better ears, and sight, and calculations. And no second voice telling you that you are wrong.

All together she is a killing machine by the name of Sam Calharm. Or as she was recently assigned, the Shadow Rider. She had a job. A promise to keep.

Yet no amount of honored words or dyeing wishes could pull her away from her past. Her sorrow. And anger. And pain. And those lifeless eyes of Carissa's as she burned. Yes, death changes people.

It was the whole reason she now sits in front of the department store, searching for her prey. With a man trying to bribe her, and parents eyeing her.

"Come on baby, a shiny penny lays in my bed tonight. Play me right, and maybe a bit more."

She drops her intense gaze at the alley and peers at the man in front of her. She assesses him like a science experiment.

Dress shoes. Leather. Dress pants. Loose. Thick leather belt. Easy clasp. Suit jacket. Tie. Dress shirt. Gelled back hair.

Easy kill.

She plays everything out in her mind to make sure there are no flaws before putting her plan to action.

The man stares at Sam as she zones out. Such a beautiful girl. A small smile lays on her lips, almost pitiful.

'That's preposterous' he thought 'no one pity's me.'

She pulls herself from her trance-like state and looks up at the man. She widens her legs causing her skirt to fall up, leaving the man a view of her underwear. She puts one hand behind her to support her body, and takes the other threw her hair. Pushing up she stands and saunters over to the

Man. Running one hand threw his gelled hair, she twists his tie with the other.

"And who do I owe the pleasure?" She purrs lowly into the man's ear. A shiver runs down his back.

"James." He whimpers into her ear before gripping her waist.

"MMMhhh...I like it. But you know you shouldn't talk to strangers." She whispered into his ear. James growls at her.

Sam pulls his tie hard until she hears a choke. She spins him and rams him into the wall, her hands slowly place him on the ground.

"Night, night James." She giggles out before turning and strutting away @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

hello Peasents,

blah, blah, blah. yatta, yatta,yatta. the famous Tink


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