the job Part 35

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The building is silent, empty. For which I am very thankful. The once crowded halls now sit in moaning silence waiting for use. The dust collects in a thin sheet of the floor, preparing for feet to stir it up once again and let it adventure to the skies. The lights flicker with dull purpose to brighten the path for those who must return. All is silent, all is well, and all will change.

It is my foot that stirs the dust as I enter the building, and my path for which the lights is my arm that silences the moaning walls with a simple finger running across the dried paint. I take in a deep breath and hiss it out through my teeth, setting aside silly worries and problems and only focusing on this, me.

My job.

"Sam, come on! I thought we were going out for ice-cream!!" a voice whines behind me. I only move my head slightly to the side, just too simply hear the words better.

"After." I monotony cut out, my voice stiff and unmoving.

I thought you were going to get me some ice-cream! I dressed up for nothing?" the voice squeaks out, hands reaching out to grab me.

My body turns without warning and grab her hands, tightening my hold and keeping my grip. I stare into the girl's eyes with menace, threatening harm if any word is to escape her lips.

"Only silly girls believe words from a criminal's lips." I growl out, my eyes narrowing on hers. "Now quite!"

Her eyes widen as she quickly nods her head, her brown hair shaking with it. I give a curt nod back and let go, turning my body and completely ignoring the girl.

My footsteps echo around the deserted corridor as I walk on, the lighter in my pocket feeling heavier and heavier as I approach the door. So much paper lies inside those long wooden doors. The wooden chairs, the wooden desks, the wooden hearts. My hand touches the golden handle, curving with its delicate design. Such an innocent look, much like the people who work inside. But their wooden hearts are what drives me forward to open the door. I pull a pair of sunglasses out of my pocket and push them up my nose. I walk in.

My footsteps echo across the wooden floor as I walk to the front of the room. The typing slowly stop as I reach the front. The eyes stare at me glaringly as I asses the room.

The desks and desks full of people stare at me, laptops gracing the wooden desk surface. Tight buns and reserved suits and polished nails. Square glasses and tight lips and blocky outfits. Only one exit, one in which Mandy stands, her skirt and red heels adding color to the dark and dreary room.

What must these people see?

"Miss, you do not belong in here," a nastily voice in the back of the room sniffles out. I slowly turn my head to the voice.

"I am relatively certain I am in the right room sir, but thank you for your concern." I growl out.

"Late night?" I ask, slowly walking around the room. My boots fall heavy on the floor as I run my finger along a few desks.

"Nothing we cannot handle, now leave," the nasty voice says, a hard edge coating his words.

"But of course, when I am done." I answer back just as harshly.

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