thoughts Part 34

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Mandy's POV;

Their eyes froze on my face, begging for explanation, begging for satisfaction. The air has tensed, and I can feel their confusion curling over the cool room. I'm so stupid for saying that, why can't I just keep quiet for once. I don't know these people and now they are going to be cautious of me from now on. My mind reels for an escape as sweat begins to collect on the back of my neck.

"Play it off." a voice whispers through my skull, ringing around the bones like a soft drum.

I just read a book on this stuff in 3rd grade that is all. Same story and everything, just with pictures and less words." I lie out, keeping my eyes locked on the older woman.

When I first saw her, I was a bit surprised. For a woman who is supposedly Sam's Gran or whatever, she sure hasn't aged much. Her porcelain skin illuminates the room and her loose grey hair streaked with the occasional blackness shines against the snowy light filtering through the windows. She is tall, graced with dashing height and an old beauty. She could easily move around the room without notice. Her voice rings light, silk-like, through the air effortlessly.

"Please continue." I breathe out, putting a big smile innocently onto my face.

"Alright dear." Gran sighs out, her stiff shoulders relaxing against the arm chair.

"So this god was the first vampire, as I said. Well come to find out, these cravings started to become worse and worse as time went on. More and more of his own people began to die do to his punishment, and he had to watch his own hands murder the things he created."

"The goddess watched him for years, for she still loved him no matter how much pain he had caused her. She too began to fall in love with these people, and soon felt horrified by how maliciously the god would kill these people. Every dead by the end of the day, she counted with a heavy heart. She slowly fell out of love with the god she turned into a monster, and began to hate him."

"One day, she had had enough and decided to create a protector. She took her favorite animal, the wolf, and slowly morphed it into a protector for her people. This wolf could stand on two legs or four to fight better. He could blend in with her people, and in turn keep them safe."

"This was the first werewolf. Our friend Sam over there, she is part of one of these creatures. She cannot turn into a wolf but has all the instincts of one."

"These new species soon grew in numbers as they both realized how to create more of their kind. The vampire by placing some of their blood into their victim's body. The werewolf by the natural means. They spread all over the world, but like many species of animals, the different climates and areas changed the species themselves."

"In Greece, for example nymphs came to power along with powered humans which we called at the time demigods and many others. These people were just supernatural creatures cross-breed with humans. In Europe, the werewolf prospered and created new and different superstitions and species, one of which being the banshee. South America, a certain wolf went a bit crazy, passed it through his blood and his line of descendants became the chupacabras that many farmers fear."

"The world though is cruel, and our kind needs a release, to show that we matter. That is why Sam is here. You see she is"-"that's enough Gran, I need to bring Mandy home." Sam interrupted Medea with a hard tongue.


Mandy's POV;

The sleet rained down hard as the bike zipped over the icy road. Miles and miles past we but she didn't notice. Her eyes glued to the sleek road in front of us, her mind reeled on different things, things I would never understand.

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