Chapter 4

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Hi everyone!!! I just wanted to say thanks to everyone reading my story, I have over 40 people reading this and I can feel myself crying (don't worry they are tears of joy) and I am so so sooooo happy and surprised so many people like to read my story so here is an extra long chapter!! Also I will instead be updating maybe every other day. I will update maybe 2 days apart but I will still be updating every time I get a chance, this also goes for my other story which I will update tomorrow.  Also I apologize that my last chapter was so crappy and rushed. Also the next chapter will be time skipped to after she graduates and all that. Before I forget I apologize for not updating.... I just found out my uncle has Penile Cancer. Sorry I used also so much, I have a small dictionary.

When we get both stories to 100+ views I will make a story of any random persons choice. Bye! Also I won't update this story until I get my other story to the same amount of views. I 

"Michelle, what's the plan," I asked as we full out sprinted to the castle. I already had a huge plan forming in my mind in case she didn't have a plan. 

"Wing it," she yelled out to me.

"Good enough," I replied. 

I faintly heard footsteps behind me but I didn't because I knew I would loose needed momentum if I looked back. 

"Pssssst," I whispered to Michelle, "Someone is following us. Psssssst." 

"Psssssst," she whispered back, "but they don't know what is ahead so they won't follow us for long. Psssssssst."

"Psssssst," I began, "alright. Psssst."

We began giggling from our conversation and saw that the bridge was now only a couple miles ahead. We immediately shut up and went into our serious modes, a grim expression on our faces. We jumped over the bridge, knowing that it was only an illusion, which we learned the hard way. We were still running as we heard a roar up ahead. 

"Battle mode: division 3," we had both yelled as our skin grew yellow and we jumped up. Our clothes changed into a armor similar to Scarlet's hevan wheel armor, except it covered more skin. We both jumped up as a celestial roar hit the area we were standing in earlier. We took out our celestial swords and began running at the kings tall figure, as we reached him Michelle dropped her sword, grabbed my foot and threw me at him. She gave me the needed boost needed to slash his head off, however as I raised my sword he took his hand and swung it at Michelle the exact moment I sliced his head off.

"Michelle," I yelled as I back flipped to the ground. The darkness on the king shrunk until he was at his original size again. I ran to Michelle, my neacklace clutched tightly in my hand as the nine stood behind us shell-shocked. 

"Michelle.... Don't worry I'll heal you okay," I began to speak, my voice weak and scared. 

"Don't worry about it. I'll see you again one day..." She began to glow yellow and float away from me as an anima appeared in the sky. She began floating up, and I started chasing after her. She couldn't leave me, I it's selfish but she just couldn't! I laced my hand within hers as she was starting to get dragged upwards. Her hand started to slip from mine and she spoke her voice soft and kind. 

"Don't worry little sister, I'll see you again someday." She let go of my hand and I collapsed to my knees, our battle suits fading away. 

"Please don't leave me Michelle! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE AGAIN!" I yelled as she started fading into the blackness. 

"Michelle," I whispered out, "I didn't get to give you the necklace back." In my hand rested a broken Aquarius key, along with a metal sisters forever charm I had made when I was younger. Slowly the king walked up to me and grabbed my shoulders which were shaking from my cries. 

"Don't worry child," he began as he spoke slowly and sadly, "she has always loved you and she is not gone forever. She will return one day and that day will be soon."

The nine behind us were frozen, finally Dragneel made the first move. He stepped forward as I got up my whole body shaking as my river of tears had slowly ended. I had learned to control my emotions when I was I child, but losing a loved one had still hurt me more than I could imagine. As he came close towards me I opened a portal behind me, stepping in as I watched him trip and miss me by just an inch. As I stepped in the portal disappeared, and my wall broke. 

I was know in my room, tears flowing down my face as I collapsed onto my bed. Tears had now stained my pillow but truly that was something that I could care less about. Plue had opened up his own gate and hugged my arm, speaking to me. To others it may sound like gibberish, but for some reason I understand it. 

He had said, "Lucy you know we all love you and will be there for you, but you must give your sister a proper goodbye. She deserves it." I had to agree with him, Michelle did deserve it. I slowly rose of my bed and jumped out my two story window. The people around me looking at me in shock. The sun was rising, for I truly couldn't believe I spent so much time crying. 

I walked towards my mother, brother and now sister's grave with roses and white Lily's in my hand. I slowly placed the flowers on to the grave, a rose thorn scratched my hand a small cut appearing moments later for it was filled with blood. 

I had finished crying, or so I thought, and walked home to the comfort of my bed. 

"Lucy," Sting, one of my other brothers yelled behind me, "why are you crying? Who made you cry? Where is Michelle? Why is th-"

"Enough," My cousin Rogue began, "she is tired Sting. Let her rest, we will ask her tomorrow." I was surprised, I didn't think that Rogue would speak a word, let alone 2 sentences. My cousins escorted me home, and I know that once I tell them I can begin a new life, a life away from where  she died.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2018 ⏰

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