25: Asahi is a Madman

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My mind was in a shatter of confusion and awe. My life was lie. I was not an ancient which was the phony race of life; I was an Aishah.

To summarize what Asahi told me earlier, there were two main races which created the Ancient race: the Aishah and the Dearil. These two races did not get along and had a childish dispute because of their differences. The Aishah must not have liked how the Dearil race smelt.

How rude.

One must not judge a person by their smell alone. They should include how they look, how they sound, what they eat, what their behavior was and how they handle life completely so that their judgment will be complete and reliable.

That was how I judge other people. I judge them with an unabridged basis in order to win a conversation in the most illogical way. One may call it cheating but in order to be victorious, you must use all resources to put your enemy down and bury them in the pits of Raphael's feathery armpits.

However, cheating was such a despicable word. I will replace it with "outsmarting the idiots who decided to take the hard way just to make themselves suffer." I always had the belief that no matter hard you work, if it is not accompanied by creativity, one's diligence was nugatory.

Work smarter not harder.

Yes, be crafty like Samael.

Be an obvious barbaric con like Slade.

Be a childish and manipulative paw-licker like Fenris.

And never be honest like the martyrs Sevor and Raphael.

My lovers....I wonder how they were doing right now? I have left them without even explaining myself. I left them without even saying how I feel about them. I have betrayed them. I do not deserve them yet I can't have myself prevent the feeling of longing.

I miss them dearly.

And they must have hated me.

I want to see them and hold them.

Leaving them was wrong but it was beneficial for the majority. I needed to save them and now I don't even know if I really rescued everyone from their undesirable end.

Should I have just stayed?

Should I have just waited and let the world be devoured in rot? It could have been still a beautiful occurrence for me because even if the world did end, it ended with me being surrounded with the people I loved the most. It could have been a life worth living. It could have been an end worth seeing because we get to spend it together.

"You seem quiet Lucian. What exactly are you thinking?" Asahi asked snapping me out from my thoughts. His voice was amused.

From what I observed from this man, his ways of achieving things were from sheer violence and manipulation. Though he had similar ways with Samael, he seemed more...cold-blooded.

He was domineering and his presence demanded respect because one false move would cause the world to freeze around you, turn any scorching weather into subzero and inevitably lead you into your demise.

The fallen emperor was still watching the other tensed man as he drove this advanced transportation bug. And because of Asahi's intense concentration, I too was forced to observe the technique of how the creatures of today get from one place to another in this metallic bug. I have never seen such creature before and something about the environment was a bit off.

"You cannot read my mind like uncle?" I asked him.

Wait, did uncle and the other ancients know about ojisan? (grandfather?) Where were they anyway? Why haven't they talked until now? My mind was only ruled by Asahi's voice alone.

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