37: Unsure Hope

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"And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever."

Revelation 20:10

Here we were at the last day of Earth. Those who were written in the book of life shall ascend and meet with the Lord and those who lived in a path of sin were now thrown in the lake of fire.

I had no idea why we were here in the midst of agonized souls. I had no clue of what we were still fighting for.

But whenever I see my friends and family I had this sheer will to save a man who will always be a part of our kin. Lucian was still hoping that we can save Samael. Everyone -even though we were still in denial- we wished for Samael to stay with us. We wished for him to laugh with us and for him to have his own mind and will for this last day.

We don't know what our fate will lead us to. Even with the choices I made and even when I had the knowledge that because of my betrayal I will be punished I still had this ray of hope that everything will turn out fine in the end because I still wanted to live.

I want to start living again.

I question the strong belief that my heart had. I was scared. I was terrified of what will become of us. But when I look at Lucian's eyes which were full of hope and determination I feel safe. His obliviousness to what was happening around us made it seem that this was just another chaotic phase that we had to face in order to reach another level of life.

Lucian was selfless.

He was never educated about religion. He was never poisoned by promises made by most religious organizations and I know that he still believed that this was still a fight that he had to win in order to save anyone.

But this was not a fight between Aishahs and Catastrophes.

This was not a continuation of the clash that was left hanging thousands of years ago.

What we were dealing with wasn't rot. We will not suffer because of decay.

This was simply the end of the world brought about by the wrath of its creator.

The old age was just caught up in it.

The faithful and the good and the enlisted shall rise and the faithless, the bad and the unlisted shall fall into great despair.

"There he is! Hey, fucker!" Slade shouted as we squeezed through the crowd of burning bodies. We were protected by the power of my parents therefore we were unharmed by this fire.

Despite the blessing of my parents, we must hurry for I was not sure that this blessing will last long. The scroll that Cain handed us led us to Santorini Greece. The Aegean Sea was obviously a sea of fire now and Samael was one of the gatekeepers of sufferings. The reaper who was once retired returned to his post and to his cloak that symbolized death. His Scythe was gleaming of holy power yet his form was the very existence of wickedness.

The reaper was neither good nor bad. He stood neutral. He served God yet his deeds can be comparable to Lucifer the Great.

"Peaches!" Lucian shouted. The blonde Aishah moved faster as we saw the reaper at the lesser population.

"Wait Lucian, he does not know you anymore!" I warned him. "Caleb!" I shouted.

The werewolf who had a far more advance position than we were caught Lucian's hand and pulled him closer as we approached our old friend/enemy.

Saving Lucian (5TH BOOK OF D T) YaoiWhere stories live. Discover now