March 13th

362 4 0

I woke up early in the morning around 7:30. For some reason Kelli was in my bed. I nudged her and asked "What are you doing here?" Kelli wiped the sleep out of her eyes and said "You kept calling for me in the middle of the night so I just hopped in bed with you so you'd stop!" She explained.

"Uh, okay?" I said putting my head back down.

"Now that you woke me up twenty minutes before I have to get up, it's my turn to interrogate you," Kelli smiled pulling me in close.

"Gross! You know I don't like being touched,"  I said, being pulled against my own will.

"What's up babe? What's going on with you," Kelli asked.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"You cried yourself to sleep last night, I know you're not fine. You don't even cry, you're so tough," Kelli pointed out.

"I was just letting out a good cry, for fun," I explained.

Kelli persisted. "Are you upset with things at school, with your friends, or with your body?" Kelli asked.

"My body!?" I said with shock. I knew where this was leading and I wasn't going there.

"My body is fine. Khloe just makes me mad," I said. By this point I was almost able to confide in my sister and let her know I needed her, but at the same time I didn't want to be vulnerable. "I'll get over it." I lied just to get Kelli off my back about what's really going on. I told her I'd go see her tomorrow at work when I was done with school. We could talk more then.

It was 8:15 when I got to school. I was told I'm failing five of my six classes, the only one I was passing was P.E. because I knew how to play sports. I was supposed to take a paper home and have it signed, along with a parent teacher conference, but that can wait until tomorrow, because tonight I had an art show.

I got home from school, threw my stuff all over the floor, got yelled at by Khloe to keep my crap on my side of the room. I showered and was ready to leave for the show with my new fixed painting of hands interlocking each other. Like usual, my dad was late. He came fumbling in last minute and said what a crazy surgery he had been in all day. He started making jokes about how he almost lost an arm, only it wasn't his arm....I don't know, weird surgical jokes.

My mom and I were waiting out in the car. I was telling her all my doubts about this competition, and she was reassuring me I'd do great. When my dad got in the car, we were ready to go.

We were driving along when he asked how school was going. I think he knew how poorly I was doing, but kept it a secret from my mom. He kept redirecting me to stay focused and turn in my assignments. I never told them my teacher wanted a conference with them. I was afraid I'd get grounded.

We pulled up to a stop sign, and the next few moments happened so quick. I was up, I was out of my seat, I hit the roof of the car, came back down and went through the windshield as the car flipped. I landed on the hot concrete, my face sliding against the asphalt. By the time I stopped moving, glass was stuck to my face, and my arms were completely twisted around my body, and my legs in both directions. I froze. My face on fire, and my left eye barely opened enough to see our car flipping and bursting into flames. I watched as the smoke took over and my parents faded into the blackness. I knew they were dying. I wanted so badly to get up and move to go rescue them. I wanted to be able to move my arms, but I couldn't. As the flames got higher, I laid with all these different emotions. I saw the leak in the semi truck that hit us. "No! No!" I cried. As I saw the driver get out of his truck, I wanted so badly to throw him in the burning car for not watching the road and hitting us. He started limping towards me to see if I was okay. I didnt have any energy left. It was only seconds later that the car blew up and my parents were gone. My eyes reflected the flames that killed them instantly. 

It was a slow fade into the darkness as I felt the concrete burn my skin, and my entire body collapse. I felt someone pick me up, but that was the end of it.

"No heartbeat."
"She' back."

I woke up and realized I was in an ambulance with my shirt ripped open. A man who looked like he could be the twin of Zac Efron was pumping my chest with his hands.

"She's alive, she back!" He shouted.

I tried to move my arms to cover myself up, but I couldn't get my arms to move, they hurt too much.
"Hey sweetie," the attractive man said. "My name is Caysen," he smiled. "I need you to relax, we are almost to the hospital, what's your name hun?" He asked.
I just kept crying, feeling worthless as I laid on the gurney. "While you're working on telling me your name, I'm going to put pain relivers in your IV to help with the pain, okay?" He asked me as if I had a choice. I couldn't move, nor talk, but I could feel that drug kick in. That was good stuff. Then the bright lights hit, I was in the ER, waiting for a room, people were starring, when I realized I was topless exposing my black sports bra. I grunted and looked down at my half naked body. Caysen wheeled me over to room 3.

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