Love Is A Dangerous Game

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As I let go of my mothers hand, I started to feel betrayed, I started to feel that I had a price and whatever it was, my parents couldnt afford me. Conditions—- in order to feel something there are certain conditions that come with putting your heart on the line. I was starting to feel that maybe, just maybe there was something bigger than ourselves, that maybe something was going to save us all one day and that something was love. Love is a dangerous game. I chose to be vulnerable for once in my life, and in return I recieved love. A love that fought for the best, a love that outweighed all other circumstances. As I was in a dream, I made my decision. My parents had given me life, and I wanted to return the favor. I chose them.

In my dream or hallucination, blackout, whatever you want to call it, I unbuckled myself, and fell in the car. I could move one arm, and both my legs. I crawled out, trying to breathe through the smoke that was taking over the car. My parents were unconscious. I grabbed my mom's face and started shaking her. Not one flinch, or movement. My dad's head was covered in blood. The sight was revolting. I took a step back to breathe normal air, before I tried to get my mom free. I started panicking. This was my chance, and I was ruining it again.

I went up to my mom and shifted her body, getting ready to unbuckle her. She immediately woke up and said "You can't choose us, we chose you"

"Mom? What are you talking about?"

Her breath and words were short and few but she managed to say "I love you my sweet baby girl, go live your life, whatever you do, don't stop your artistry."

My mom let go of my hand, and I was being pulled back. My body was in so much shock, I had no clue what was happening. I was laid down on a gurney. Faces were above me. One man put some kind of breathing thing over my face, and I collapsed.

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