The Fault In Our Love -Chapter One-

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*Melody's P.O.V*


My name is Melody Carter.

I am eighteen years old.

Today I'm going to audition for the part of 'Hazel Grace Lancaster' who will be charactered in the movie 'The Fault In Our Stars' based on the book, written by John Green.

I've read the book so many times, I've lost count. The story is so touching, it would be a dream come true to be a part of the cast.


My mom was driving me to the auditions and I could feel nerves rushing through my body. I was anxious, yet so excited.

When we arrived, I got out of the car and waved to her.

"Bye honey. good luck!"

I got into the set where the auditions were taking place. I gave my name to the man at the front desk and he led me to the line for those waiting to audition. I waited a bit when this guy behind me approached.

"Hi. I'm Ansel. Are you here to Audition for the part of 'Hazel'?"

He smiled at me. I swear his smile brightened up the entire room.

"Hey Ansel, I'm melody. It's nice to meet you. And yes, I am. What part are you here for?" I asked, trying to be friendly.

"I'm auditioning for the part of 'Augustus Waters'." He explained.

"Awesome. Good luck!" I said.

"Thank you. Good luck to you too. Um... Are you as nervous for this as much as I am?" He said anxiously.

I smiled since I felt like that also.

"Yes, I am. I really hope I get this part."

I sighed.


He smirked.

"If you don't get the part, what's gonna happen then?" I said to him playfully.

"I haven't planned that yet." We both laughed.

"I'm sure you'll do good."

I assured him.

"Thanks for the support."

He smiled again.


I answered.

I was next in line to audition.

As they call my name, Ansel asks me;

"Hey, after we audition, you wanna maybe, hang out or something?"

He blushed.

He is adorable.

"Sure, text me!"

I took out a pen from my purse and quickly wrote down my phone number on his hand.

"See ya."

I leave from the line and enter the audition room.

"Hello, Melody. So you want to cast the role of Hazel?"

A man with a clipboard and pen asked. There were two men as the role placers and John Green was observing.

"Yes sir."

I expressed with confidence. Even though I felt like throwing up because of how nervous I was.

"Alright, show us what you got."

I nodded, as I started to get into character and started the script.


I was walking out of the set and I see Ansel running towards me.

"Hey Melody! How did you do?"

He told me while catching up with me.

"I did okay, I guess. I'm not sure if I got the part or not, but it was worth a try. How did it go with your audition?"

I explained.

"I did alright. I'm not sure either. I don't think I got the part. But, it's okay. It's not the end of the world, right? I'm sure we both did great."

He told me.

I nodded in agreement.

We were both waiting outside until my mom arrived to pick me up.

"Well my ride's here. I have to go. It was nice meeting you Ansel. Bye!"

I smiled and waved.

"Bye Melody. See you later!"

He said.

I entered the car and as we were driving away I saw that he was making his way to his car.

I thought he was waiting for a ride too.

But he just waited to keep me company.

I smiled at that thought.

"Well who was that handsome boy."

My mom, of course, had to add.

"No one, he was just auditioning for the role of "Augustus Waters" and was supporting me.

I said annoyed. Trying so hard not to blush.

She chuckled.

"Yeah, how did the audition go by the way?"

She asked.

"It was okay."

I told her, a bit disappointed.

I hope I get this part.


First chapter! Hope you liked it. :)

Sorry it's short though. My chapters will usually be longer than this.

Please give me some feedback on what you thought of this chapter! Also, it would be greatly appreciated if you would vote!

Much love. Xx

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