The Fault In Our Love -Chapter Two-

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I woke up the next morning, immediately checking my phone and there was a new message. I was hoping Ansel had texted me. Not that I was waiting for him to contact me, right?

I opened the text and it said;

"Hey, Is this Melody? It's Ansel. The guy you met at the Auditions yesterday?"

I texted back;

"Hey, this is Melody. :)"

I put down my phone but it buzzed a second later.

Ansel already replied, which made me smile to think he was waiting for my reply.

"Good morning beautiful. Any phone call about the part?"

We're supposed to get a call from John Green to let us know if we got the part or not.

"No...:/ I think they'll probably make their decision in about a week."

I texted.

"Yes, you're probably right. Elegant thinking, my darling. ;)"

He teased.

I rolled my eyes playfully, even though he couldn't see me. I wish there was an emoji for that.

"That's how I work. ;)"

I replied.

"That I have noticed. ;)"

Before I had the chance to reply, someone was calling me.

It was Ansel.

I answered;

"Something you couldn't say through text darling?"

I teased.

He laughed.

"No, actually, I just wanted to hear your voice again."

I could feel myself blushing. Thank god he couldn't see me.

"Is that so? I'm happy you enjoy hearing my voice. Because if you keep talking to me, you'll hear enough of it."

I joked, making him laugh.

"Oh but darling, I wouldn't mind."

He said.

"Aren't you quite the gentleman."

I said, laughing at myself.

"Well I try."

I could imagine him smirking.

"I honestly think you'll be perfect as the part of Augustus Waters."

I complimented.

"I won't be the perfect Augustus, unless I have my perfect Hazel Grace."

He said almost whispering.

There was a moment of silence before I replied.


Changing the subject, he started;

"Well, Melody, I was wondering if you would like to join me for a movie later this afternoon. You know, to get to know each other a little bit since we might even work together. Would you care to attend?"

"Of course."

I replied, with excitement.

"Perfect. T'ill then, my darling. I shall pick you up this afternoon at three. Okay?"

It made me laugh how he's using one of "The Fault In Our Stars"



We both hung up.


"What should I wear on this, thingy?"

I was telling my mom as she helped me pick out an outfit.

"A thingy?" My mom laughed,

"You mean on your date?"

She teased.

"Mom! I told you it was not a date. We're just getting to know each other, as friends."

I explained, once again, to my mother.

"Whatever you say, honey. But just letting you know, you don't stress over an outfit when you go to your other friends' house. Why is this any different?"

She winked at me.

"This isn't any different! I do this all the time."

"Sure you do."

My mom mumbled under her breath, sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes as she left.

I finally decided to wear a pink floral dress, a light jacket, with a ring and necklace.

I touched up my makeup a bit and I was ready.

I checked the time and it was 2:50.

I impatiently waited for Ansel to arrive.

Then I heard a knock on the door.

I opened it and Ansel was waiting at the steps, with a bouquet of roses.

"Let's go, Melody Carter?"

He shined his bright and beautiful smile at me.

I bit my lip gently gazing at his perfections,




Perhaps "to be continued" will be our "always". Cx

Is it just me, or are things getting heated? ;)

Please comment your opinion on this chapter. Also, please vote for this chapter if you liked it! I'll try updating soon. Love you all!

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