A phone call

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Navya was standing in front of her bff's house. A guy opened the door, he was her brother.

Guy: Yes, how can I help you?

Navya: Hi, I am Nandini's friend...she called me here is she home?

Guy: O hi I am her brother, Cabir. Nice to meet you...but she is gone for shopping.

Navya: Oh ohk.... I will come later.

By saying this she was about to leave but he stopped her.

Cabir: No wait, I mean, you can wait for her.

Navya: OK

Cabir showed her living room and said her to wait for her comfortably.

Cabir: Do you want coffee or tea?

Navya: No please don't do any favour. I am ok.

Cabir: Listen if my sister gets to know that I didn't offer you anything then she will kill me...so tell me coffee or tea?

Navya: Coffee will be ok.

Cabir: OK wait for two minutes I will bring you coffee.

After few minutes Cabir came with two mugs of coffee and settled beside Navya.

They were talking randomly, suddenly Cabir's phone rang and he ran towards his bike.

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