Day 1

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You wake up on your bed, looking at the clock. 6:55 ugh you get up, getting ready for the day. You were thinking about going back to work, to see who circus baby was, wanting to know who's those emerald eyes belonged to. 

~Time Skip~

You park your car in the parking lot. seeing only 3 or 4 cars. looks like the place isn't open yet you start walking to the building. You introduce yourself to the staff that's there, you then set off for the elevator. 

As the elevator ends, you walk down the hall. Seeing Ballora dancing, in perfect condition, Funtime Foxy talking to an absent audience. You came up to Circus Gallery, to see a clown, with red hair. She seems powered off, you walk up until the stage hits your knees. You look up to the Clown. This must be Circus Baby you look to see to small animatronics, maybe the size of her leg, suddenly you hear gear moving, you freeze for a moment then you look up to see Baby's emerald eyes on you. You didn't feel afraid, you felt safe by her.

"Bidy No, that's not right!" said a voice

"Yes it is Bab!" said another.

You look down to see the two little figures arguing about nothing. 

"Boys! Stop it right now!" said a sweet voice, with a stern tone. They both stopped to look up at Circus Baby, you look up as well. "We have a guest," Circus Baby looks at you again, giving you a sweet smile. 

You give a nervous smile back, not knowing what to do. Baby steps down from her stage, walking around you. You watch her, not understanding what she's doing. 

"You must be the new technician, aren't you?" Circus Baby asked. You gave a slow nod to her. She gives a laugh, and puts a hand on your shoulder, a gentle touch. You look at her, her eyes, you couldn't look away. You don't know it, until Bidy and Bab start to giggle. Circus Baby gives a smile. "Do you always blush?" You look at her, you cover your face, feeling silly. She's just a robot, nothing should happen like this you think as you look at your palms. Suddenly the lights come on. You see Circus Baby back  on stage.

You see a man, by the controls of the lights, he's looking at you, an anger in his eyes. He walks toward you. As he stops in front of you, he opens his mouth to speak. "What are you doing in here? Why are you even here?" 

"Well, I...Umm..." You were to flusherd to speak. Your face still red. He looks at you weird. He then smooths his dark brown hair. "Get out!" You hurry, looking back for a split second at Circus Baby, then left. 

Circus Baby X FEM! readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora