Night 2(Part 1)

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Ok before this chapter starts, i just want to say that Baby's dialogue will be different from the game. Ok that's all, Enjoy the Chapter!

Same as night one, you walk into the talking elevator, tho you already know that it doesn't talk. You sigh, you had nightmares, you barely got sleep. Suddenly you started to think about Circus Baby, you blush slightly. Then HandUnit started to talk and you snapped out of DreamLand.

"Welcome Back, for another of intellectual stimulation, pivotal  career choices and self-reflection on past mistakes. We're committed to creating a unique fulfilling work experience." You roll your eyes. " One part of that commitment is ensured that you don't get tired of the voice you're hearing right now. Using the keypad, please choose a new companion voice," the same keypad from the other night flipped up. "For male, press one, for female press two, For text only press three, For other options press four." You looked at the glitching keypad. 

"There's. No. Fucking. NUMBERS!" you shout at handunit, after minutes of looking at the glitched keypad, you pressed on it. 

"It seems you are having trouble with the keypad(Again), I can see what you are trying to type(Only clicked) and I will auto-correct it(Fuck no)," Seconds pasted. "Thank you for choosing angsty teen," You groaned. The elevator hit the ground and you pressed the red button to show the vent with caution tape around it. You crawl through the vent, suddenly the angsty teen talked.

"A....Funny story...a dead body was found in this vent once," You stop dead when you heard that. " that funny. But it's a story," You shake your head and start to crawl again. You crawl into the control room and look in Ballora's room. "Ok, let's start with your nightly chores. You should check on Ballora and make sure she's on her stage or...whatever," You click the blue button and the light came on. You saw that Ballora was in front of the window, you back a little in fright. The light then turned off and you stepped back to the controls. "Huh, I guess Ballora has better things to-do, let's zap her, that should be fun," 

"NO!" You yell out loud. Seconds past it seemed like minutes, you finally zap Ballora. weird and distorted sound came from somewhere. 

"Let's check on Funtime Foxy, make sure she's ready for showtime tomorrow," You zap her too with a sorry look on your face. Another distorted sound came from somewhere. Then normal handunit came back.

"There seems to have been a problem with the voice synthesizer, Default settings have been restored," you roll your eyes. "Please proceed throw the vent shaft in front of you, to Circus Control Module," you start to crawl threw.

~Lill' time skip~

"Circus Baby had a busy day today, Let's check the light's and make sure she's in perfect working order," You press the light to see the lights still dim front the other night. "Oh Circus Baby we aren't here to play hide & seek! Let's encourage Baby to come out of hiding," 

"Fucking A! The Fucking lights aren't even fucking fixed! I can't see her!" you yell at nothing. You sigh a heavy sigh and press the red button, it did nothing. 

"Try another controlled shock," You do it again. Nothing happened. "There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting us to motivate Baby," You pull your middle finger up. "Please stand by, while i reboot the system. I will be offline momentarily during this process. Various other systems will be offline, such as security doors, vent locks, and oxygen. Commencing system restart," Everything went black. You could barely see anything. 

"Ballora Gallery vent opened, Funtime Auditorium vent opened," You looked around waiting as patient as possible. "Circus Gallery vent opened, motion triggered Circus Gallery vent," You froze 'somethings in the vent!' you think. 

"Why hello again!" a happy voice came from behind you, you turned, seeing nothing. "There's no point on seeing me, i have  come to help you. There's a space under the desk, get under it and close the sliding door. They'll be here soon," you nod in the pitch black and went under the desk. You closed the metal hatch that were filled with holes. You sat there in silence.  suddenly you hear something coming into the room. 

"Hello in there?" said a creepy childs voice. You cover your mouth from making a sound. the only thing for sound was your breathing and the movement of the things outside from the holed slide door. 

~time skip(because I'm to freaking lazy to do the bidybabs~

 "When your guide comes back online,he will tell you he wasn't able to restore the power malfunction,. He will tell you to do it manually. There you will have to go there Ballots Gallery, he will tell you to go fast through the Gallery, but don't Ballora won't go back to her stage, she will hunt you. When you go through Ballots Gallery, go dlow, she can only hear, she can not see you and can only listen to your movements, good luck, " she stopped talking and HandUnit came back online.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2018 ⏰

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