t r i p o d

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"aaron! omg! thank god you're alive!

"aw, blueberry cares about me."

"of course i do! why wouldn't i?"

"you even left voice messages, cute."

"are you okay?"

"yes. no i don't think so. i just feel so bad that i got you worried!"

"don't worry about it. it would help if you tell me what happened, just saying."

"i don't think i have ever said this out loud, but my dad is sick and every now and then, he needs to get away from the noise and chaos. i usually end up taking him outside of the city, where there isn't any signal."

"don't feel bad. your dad comes first, you don't need to worry about me."

"i still feel bad that i didn't inform you. i am glad you missed me?"

"no, don't get cocky."

"i am showing you the appreciation you deserve"

"i think i just shed a tear, i am not sure."

"your sarcasm always ruins everything!"

"you better watch out because i can take away the privilege of you calling me blueberry."

"i gotta go. talk to you later."

"i am confusion."

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