Chapter7 Roses are Red/Violets are Blue/That Girl Is a Slut/You Know Who I Mean

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By now Elvira has shown Skylar, Ivy, and River about five different decent clothing stores, Ivy and Skylar had both manage to find things they like in each.

The same cannot be said for River, who was like the kid in the candy store who asked to go to the grocery store instead.

They were at the last store that Elvira suggested, "I don't know maybe we should go back to Nancy's Closet."

"Riverrrrr, we have already been there, twice," Ivy wined "let's just find you some stuff here, I see some cute things in the back."

"Okay!" Ivy then lead River to the back and Elvira simply sighed and sat on the shoe bench.

"She is really indecisive," Skylar said leaning on the wall in front ofher.

"Yeah I guess so," Elvira said nonchalantly.

Laughing,"there is no need to guess we just need to go back in time to her trying on those shoes at Backstage."

Elvira remembered the scene.

Backstage was the third store Elvira had taken the girls, primarily a shoestore. River was having trouble finding her size in these black ankle high boots, so she sent for someone to find her size.

After getting her size she decided that black wasn't the right color so she wanted gray, so she sent for that color.

When she tried those on she decided she wanted a higher cut, so once again someone went to find her shoes and she liked them and was going to buy them, till she got to the front and saw there were a cute pair of heels on sale.

And the process repeated.

"I don't know," Elvira said "it makes her a little endearing too though."

Skylar scoffed, "How?"

"Well, River seems like she just wants to be perfect for everyone. Like she thinks that if she finds the right things to wear that maybe it will make us proud in a way... I am not really explaining it well but that's what I feel." Elvira said in the best way that she could, but still didn't manage to get her point across.

Rolling her eyes Skylar asked, "Who cares what color shirt she wears?"

Elvira crunched her brows together, "She does. And that's all that matters. As her best friend no matter how trivial the matter, if it is important to your best friend it should be to you too." Elvira's blood began to boil.

"Bestfriend?" Skylar spat out.

"Yeah, River."

Skylar really should have tried to hold her laughter in, because as ugly as they sounded before, this had to be the most Ursula crossed with a screeching mouse laugh ever. "River is not my best friend." She laughed out.

"But she said-" Elvira began but was intrupted.

"River thinks anyone who is kind to her is her friend. Naive and indecisive." Skylar said with a smirk.

"Well if you don't like her why are you here being 'nice' to her."

"Why? I know you are new to this whole thing, but I am sure you can guess why me and everyone really tolerates River and hell Jake for that matter."

Elvira thought for a moment and it hit her, "Because she is Payton's sister."

"Bingo. And everyone knows Payton loves his baby sister more than life itself. Anyone who hurts her automatically deals with him and no one wants that."

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