Chapter 27 I Really Hate That Guy

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"This is insane Payton," Cody slammed his hands on the desk. "You cannot actually be considering going there tomorrow can you?"

Paytons jaw clenched as he rubbed his hand over his jaw. "What choice do we have?"

"There are a lot of choices—one we don't go, two we don't go, three we don't go, or four we don't go!" Cody yelled as threw his hands back and ran them through his hair.

"Oh will you calm down," Kayson scoffed in a corner. "You are being overdramatic."

Cody turned sharply to him, "Shut the hell up! Why are you even here? You brought Skylar to us and now she is dead, thanks. No, leave."

Elvira saw Kayson began to speak but Julian cut him off. "Dramatic or not he is right. This all sounds fishy as hell."

Though she hated to admit it Elvira agreed. This could be a once and a lifetime opportunity to end the war, but it could be their death beds as well. "Payton," she said softly and walked over to up, grabbing his shoulders. His muscles relaxed under her touch. "What are you thinking?"

He took a breath, "We have had no response to forming alliances with any of the packs we have reached out to." "Many of our wolves are still injured," Jake included "...we have to go."

"No!" Cody spoke back quickly. "Payton this is too risky he could kill you and Princess as soon as you step on the field. If you don't care about yourself then think about her—"

"I am thinking about her!" Payton jumped and slammed a bunch of the books stacked on his desk away. Elvira jumped back in shock and everyone seemed to suck in their breaths. "I am thinking about her! I am thinking about everyone! I am not stupid enough to think Abraham won't try anything. I am just desperate enough to risk it. We are stretched to our ends here Cody. Do I want to go? No. Do I want to put Elvira in danger? No. I just want to end this war, and if there is a small possibility to do that then I have to go. I owe it to my pack. I will not watch any more of them die. I will not watch any more people I care about getting hurt! Can you accept that? Will you stand with me still?"

Imagines of Jake's bleeding body ran through Elvira's mind and she reached over and squeezed Payton's hand for support. She may not agree, but she would always follow him, no matter what.

Cody sighed and grabbed his nose in distaste. "I'll always stand with you, Payton." He brought his head up and his green eyes darken over in rage. "But you shouldn't make me say that."

Quickly he turned on his heels and stormed out the room. Julian gave a meek smile and headed after him.

"So you are going?" Kayson asked when the door fully shut.

"Yeah." Payton said in a defeated voice as he sunk back into his seat.

"I would ask to come with you, but my father was specific about just the two of you..." His voice trailed off. "So what now Payton?" He continued after a moment.

Elvira saw Payton's brow scrunch together and he balled his fist tightly. "You need to leave now Kayson..."

To say Elvira was shocked by his words would be an understatement.

However, Kayson did not look so surprised. "Is that your final words to me?"

Payton closed his eyes, "I cannot let you stay. You have done unspeakable things to members of my pack, for that you cannot stay here."

"Where do you propose I go?"

"Anywhere but here, and it is probably better you don't say where you are going."

The two's eyes met and it was as if a calming sky saw a raging storm. It was hard to describe the look they shared. Maybe they were remembering past times. Maybe they were rethinking of the future. Maybe they were just sizing the other up.

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