where is Jessie

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Who is at the door Jessie let's go see Amanda said. Ok mamma Jessie said. Mom hi Amanda said. Can I spend the day with Jessie please Amanda's mom asked. Yeah here bye baby girl Amanda said. Bye bye mamma Jessie said. A few hours later sitting in a coffee shop with Olivia. My mom spend the day with Jessie Amanda said. Who is home to get her Olivia asked. Sonny is at home Amanda said as her phone rang. Were is Jessie Sonny asked. With you at home my mom said she dropped her off Amanda said. No she didn't Sonny said. I have to get to the hospital to be with Misty Olivia said. Ok I have to go home Jessie is missing Amanda said. Call Rafael he can help Olivia said. Ok Amanda said. At Amanda and Sonny's house. Why would your mom take Jessie Sonny said. I don't know were is William Levi my baby boy Amanda asked. He is in his crib Sonny said. Ok Amanda said. Hey somebody seen Jessie With a woman Olivia said. Have you seen this little girl Amanda asked. Yeah the women said that they were going on a trip The man said. Momma Jessie yelled. Jessie baby Amanda yelled and ran. At the bus stop. Mom give me Jessie She is mine give her to me or you will be going to jail Amanda said. At Amanda and Sonny's house. Daddy Jessie said. Hey baby Sonny said. She is tired she had a long day my mom was going to take her back to her to Atlanta Amanda said. Wow I will go lay her down and then check on little man how about you go lay down Sonny said. Ok Amanda said. The next day. Daddy Jessie said. Hey let mommy sleep Sonny said. Ok Jessie said. Hey Liv got in a fight Rafael said. What with who Sonny said. The nurse at the hospital Rafael said. Ok I will get Finn and we will get her Sonny said. No I can go get her I just need to know if you can watch Noah for me Rafael said. Yeah I can Sonny said. At the hospital. Liv lets go home Rafael said. No I went in her room and she is not there Olivia said. She will be soon lets go Rafael said. Ok Olivia said. Look there she is Rafael said.

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