Classes together

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You went to your first period class, you had eight periods in toatal, Science, Social Studies, PE, Lunch, Elective, Math, Language Arts and Reading

{At Science class}

You sat in your seat in the middle row next to an empty seat.
You heard foot steps walking in the classroom door so you turned around.
There, you saw Jisung. He walked in the room and the whole class stared at him.

{Teacher}: Oh! Hello, you must me our new student.

(Jisung): Yes, hello, nice to meet you mrs. I'm Jisung Park.

{Teacher}: Nice to meet you too, Jisung. You can go sit next to (Y/N).
Jisung walk to the seat next to you and sat down smiling.

(Jisung): hey (y/n), this is science class righ? I was a little lost hahaha. Good thing your in this class.

(Y/n): haha yeah! It's great seeing you again. I'll show you around during lunch if you want to.

(Jisung): Sure, that'd be great! Thanks!

(Y/n): No problem. *smiles*
You had social studies and P.E. before lunch. Once you finished P.E., you quickly changed out of your P.E. clothes and looked for Jisung. You looked for him in the lunch room. You saw that he brought his own lunch, so did you. You walked up to him, smiling, but you had butterflies in your stomach, you didn't know why.

(Y/n): Hey, Jisung.

(Jisung): oh, hi (y/n)! *smiles*
You two found a place to sit and started eating lunch. You guys talked and laughed. You guys became very good friends soon after. When you guys finished lunch, you showed him around the school. Some students looked at you two, but you didn't think much of it. You didn't care. Your focus was on Jisung. The bell rang and you guys headed to class together since you guys were in the same class that period.

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