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~(Jisung's P.O.V.)~

Jisung was lying on his bed after a refreshing shower. Thinking about how to tell you that he likes you.

(Jisung): uuggghhhhhhhhhhhh, what am I going to do? I don't want to make thus sudden. I mean, we've only met eachother today, what if she only sees me as a friend. She was blushing though. Hmmmm. I don't know what to do! Maybe I can get her a rose since most guys are doing that at school. Ermmm, maybe too simple. Yikes, a teady bear? Chocolate? Balloons? Nahhh, balloons are too grand. What do I do? A card? I- ermmmm. Maybe if I give her a bracelet? I'll ask my dad.

*Jisung makes his way to the kitchen downstairs where his dad was.*

(Jisung): Hey dad, can I ask you something?

(Jisung's dad): Sure, Go ahead.

(Jisung): How did you tell mom that you liked her?

(Jisung's dad): Well... I just went for it. I got your mother a rose and told her that I liked her. Your mom ended up liking me back and accepted the rose.

(Jisung): What happened after, dad?

(Jisung's dad): Well...we are now. We have a great son. You're mother is very beautiful and kind. I fell for her as soon as I saw her. I guess you can say it was love at first sight. *laughs* Maybe you should ask your mom too. She might help.
*winks at Jisung's mother who just came home from buying vegetables*

(Jisung): It's alright dad, mom is probably tired, she needs to rest.
*Jisung gave his mom and dad a hug before going back to his room."

(Jisung): Okay, A rose. I'll get her a teady bear also. Maybe a week from now when we know each other better. Ok then, it's settled. *smiles*

(Jisung's mom): *knocks to Jisung's door* Hey, dinner is ready.

(Jisung): Ok mom. *goes downstairs*

The rest if the day, Jisung couldn't stop thinking about you.


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~(Y/n P.O.V.)~

You went home happy as you thought about Jisung. As you were walking home with your best friend she ask you something.

{Your Best Friend}: Soooo, do you like Jisung? *smirks*

(Y/n): Pppppffttttttttthahahahahahaha *awkward laughs* uhhhhh.

{Your Best Friend}: aaawwwwhhhh! You do like him, don't you?

(Y/n): OK fine, I do like him. Pleasssseeeeeee don't tell him though. We just met and I don't want to tell him yet. Maybe later on.

{Your Best Friend}: Alright, but when he asks you out, make sure to tell me the details.

(Y/n): Of corse I'd tell you! You need to help me though.

{Your Best Friend}: Totally! What are bestfriends for then?!
You both laughed and he giggled on the way to your house.
When you reached your house, you guys waved at eachother.

{Your Best Friend}: Bye bestieeeee! *waves*

(Y/n): Byeee! Love you, bestfriendddd!

When you enter your house, you hugged your parents and went up to your room. You took a shower and drift off to sleep since you were very tired. (5:31 pm)

30 minutes later... (6:01 pm)
{Your mom}: *shakes you gently* come on hunny, dinner is ready.

You got up and put a hoodie on because you were cold from just wearing a t-shirt and shorts. You went downstairs to eat dinner. Still sleepy, you managed to finish dinner and go back to sleep.

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