Getting to Know Eachother

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A week later...

{Science class}

{Teacher}: Take out your notebooks and the textbook under your chair.

{Classmates}: *everyone takes out notebook and textbook*

{Teacher}: Turn to page 376, you'll take notes for the test you'll have next week with your partner.

(Jisung): Hey, (y/n).

(Y/n): Hi, Jisung!

(Jisung): I guess we're partners, huh?

(Y/n): lol yup. *you smiled*

(Jisung): Ok, page 367. Photosynthesis.

(Y/n): *reads text book out loud* The process by which green plants and some other organisms use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis in plants generally involves the green pigment chlorophyll and generates oxygen as a byproduct.

(Jisung): Interesting... *writes it down on notebook*

(Y/n): *reads from textbook* The process of photosynthesis converts light energy to chemical energy, which can be used by organisms for different metabolic processes. The processes of all organisms-from bacteria to humans-require energy. To get this energy, many organisms access stored energy by eating food. Carnivores eat other animals and herbivores eat plants. But where does the stored energy in food originate? All of this energy can be traced back to the process of photosynthesis and light energy from the sun.

(Y/n): Wow... *takes notes*

{Magical Time Skips}

{Teacher}: Ok class, you may pack up. Be ready tomorrow to take more notes!
Good bye, class!

*bell rings*

(Jisung): See you at lunch, (y/n)! *waves*

(Y/n): See you later! *waves back*

{During lunch}

*You sat on a table with Jisung.*

(Jisung): Hey, (y/n)! *hugs you from the back*

(Y/n): H-Hello. *blushes and hugs back while stuttering*

(Jisung): What do you look for in a guy? *sits next to you*

(Y/n): Well, I... ummm. I like a guy that's understanding and kind.

(Jisung): Oh really?

(Y/n): Y-Yeah, why do you ask?

(Jisung): Nothing, just wondering. *smiles*

(Y/n): *smiles back*

You two ate lunch while talking about funny moments. Before you guys knew it, it was already the end of school.

(Y/n): *laughs* That's amazing! You're such a great dancer!

(Jisung): I practice a lot. *laughs*

*bell rings*

(Jisung): Before you go, can I get your phone number and a picture?

(Y/n): S-Sure, what for?

(Jisung): My dad wanted to see how you looked like, you're my first friend in this school. The phone number is for the notes, maybe I can ask you if I'm confused with something. That's all.

(Y/n): oohhh, okay *gives phone number*

(Jisung): *holds the phone up and take a picture*

(Y/n): Nnoo! I don't look good in that picture!

(In Jisung's head): Wait, What?! I think she looks cute!

(Jisung): You look beautiful, (y/n). *smiles*

(In Y/n's head): Something about his smile makes me agree with him.

(Y/n): *blushes* T-thanks. S-See you tomorrow.

(Jisung): *smiles* Bye, (y/n).

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