My Way

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My Way:

I wrap my fingers around my bat,

They say that I look like an angel from a divergent facet,

so that, I am Elysium sent.

But did I not forewarn you not on your life to piss me off or to fuck me over?

Didn't I breathlessly express to you if you ever fuck me over,

Would I fuck you over as I see fit?

That you would have to pay your fucking due's?

Now that your torment me all the fucking time,

I have this insufferable hat that remnant inside of me!

Where only remains is an obsidian hold lost in my animus

I will crucify your fucking commiserable essence

I will anvil myself to the darkness

I will succumb to my inner demons

Where I will indulge the malignant spirit to snuff out all the light in my vitality.

That soupçon intonation inside of my capitulum

divulge me to harm your interior,

my mad as a hatter bitch and certifiable demented brain

observe the allurement in my emerald oculus

I cackled, on the grounds, you are an imbecile to envision yourself pardoned.

I bash the bat into your automobile's windows,

You tell me I need therapy,

That I need to be taught to go to my pleasant domicile

I oscillation the bat where your ribs are, as I smash it hard into your flesh.

I sing out,

'This is my therapy, bitch!' 

Poetry 2018Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang