Meeting the pals

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I wipe off the white liquid that was on my face and took a shower so I could go to sleep.I finish taking a shower then I put my pajamas on and went to sleep thinking if I could ever leave this house of hell
~~The next day~~
I woke up and look at the time which was 8:23AM.I went to the bathroom to take a shower and change into blue rip pants and a shirt that was Y/F/C.I went into the car to go to Starbucks then I got a message when I hoped in the car.I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and saw that it was Elijah.
E:Hi Y/N I want to know if you want to come over and eat breakfast with us and you get to know my friends
Y:I was just about to get breakfast but i'll go to you place then
E:okay here my address (Put any address)
Y:I'll be there in 8 minutes
E:okay bye MOM😂
Y:bye SON
~~End of texting~~
Elijah POV
I just told Y/N to come over so we could have breakfast and could meet my friends.Corl was making breakfast,Denis was upstairs recording,Alex was sitting on the other side of me,and Sub was taking a walk outside the backyard."so Elijah who is your friend that you have been texting"Alex said as he was looking at his phone."it's Y/N"I said."OMG it's the 3rd most famous female youtuber!"Alex and Corl said surprised."Yeah Y/C/N is coming over to have breakfast with us and she will met you guys expect Ethan and Denis cause she already met them"I said."You haven't told us that she was coming now I have to make amazing pancakes for her"Corl said."you don't have to she is just a normal human bean like all of us in this house"I said as the doorbell ring."I'll get it"I said as I walk towards and open the door to see it was Y/N.
I rang Elijah doorbell and saw Elijah."Hi Elijah"I said as I wave hi at Elijah."Hi Y/N come in"Elijah said as he motion me to come inside."You have a nice house"I said as I saw a guy with white hair looking at me."Ohh Y/N I want you to met Alex and Alex this is Y/N"Elijah said as he motion the guy with white hair to stand up."It's nice to met you Alex and I hope we could be good friends"I said as we shake hands."I hope we could be good friends too"Alex said."Y/N follow me i'm going to show you someone else"Elijah said as he grabbed my wrist to the kitchen."Y/N this is Corl or Braden and Corl this is Y/N"Elijah said as the guy with brown hair and blue eyes looked at me."Hi Corl or Braden I hope we could be good friends"I said as I shake hands with Corl."I hope we could be good friends as well and do you want breakfast cause I finish it"Corl said as he grabbed plates from the cabinet and yell to tell the guys to come eat."Okay that would be nice"I said as I sit on the kitchen stool and the rest sit in front of me and next to me.
Corl POV
I can't believe that I'm going to eat breakfast with my YouTube crush I have always like her ever since she started youtube."So Y/N how's life"I said as I blush a little bit
"So Y/N how's life"Corl said."Life is going good how about you"I lie to them cause I don't want them to know that my dad has s*x with me."Life is going great"Corl said
Time skip when they finish breakfast
"Y/N I want you to meet sub"Elijah said."Okay"I said as he motion me to come to him then I saw a guy with a green sweater and he had brown hair."Y/N I want you to meet Sub and Sub this is Y/N"Elijah said."Hi Y/N it's nice to meet you in front of me and not on screen"Sub said."It's great to see a fan in front of me and im happy to meet SubZeroExtabyte in person and hear your voice"I said as I blush alittle bit."Are you okay Y/N"Sub said."Yeah I'm totally fine"I said."Okay then I'll be upstairs recording video"Sub said."okay I'll just be here chilling with my boys"I said while I went to the living room and sat on the couch.
~~4 Minutes later~~
(Still your POV)
"Hey guys I have to go know it was nice to meet you all"I said."Hey Y/N can I come over since I want to know you better"Elijah said."yeah sure"I said as I walk out of the door and wave goodbye to them.After 8 minutes of driving I arrive home and went to my bedroom and took a nap then I felt someone touch me when I woke up it was.....

Im sorry I left you on a clifhanger and this took 2 days to write so I hoped you enjoyed this😄

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