The meeting

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So Today i was going to the white wrym again and i was soooo excited to meet the serpents again.

We got to the bar and then out if nowhere my mom comes running in looking for Jugheads dad

I Am like What are you doing here mom. My mom said Omg Elizabeth why are you here with these 

Scums. I just stood there and said first of all mom the Serpent's are not scums. my mom stood there and said yes they are.

I just exploded on my mom I said Mom first of all I said Jughead is my boyfriend.

~warning lots of swearing in this chapter~

Then my mom said What the fuck. How did i not know about this? And does F.P. know?

I said who is F.P.? Jughead said oh He is my dad. I flipped out then i screamed at my mom i said

WHAT HOW DO YOU KNOW F.P. WERE YOU IN THE SERPENTS OR SOMETHING?? My mom said actually I was a serpent. And that I used to date F.P. 

I ran to Jughead and started to cry. My mom asked where F.P. was. I said just leave please.

Then my mom saw F.P and said hey there F. P. So you know that Jughead and Betty are dating right? F. P. Said yeah I'm fine with it I think there a beautiful couple together don't you?

Then Alice looked over to Betty and said well yeah I kind of understand that they are beautiful together.

F. P. Said yeah well what did you come here for?


Hey guys hope u enjoyed the chapter.

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