Chapter One "Pretty"

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They Don't Know About The Things We Do
Chapter One

They Don't Know About The Things We DoChapter One"Pretty"

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Mike, please at least ask her! Over." Lucas pleaded, talking to Mike through the walkie talkies they frequently used.

"She won't want to." Mike replied angry. "And to be honest, I wouldn't blame her. Over." He set the walkie talkie down on his dresser and looked over at his bed. Eleven was curled up in a blanket, her hair a poofy mess, fast asleep. Mike smiled to himself, causing his anger to simply slip away.

Static erupted and caused him to jump. He picked up his walkie talkie as Lucas continued, "Please, Mike! Max feels really left out. She really wants to restart things with Eleven. She doesn't understand why Eleven hates her so much!"

      "Fine, Lucas! I'll ask. But she'll most likely say no. Over." Mike said.

      "Okay, great! We're going over to Dustin's tomorrow, right? Over." Lucas asked.

      "Yeah. See you there. Over." Mike said, setting down his walkie talkie and then walking over to Eleven. "Eleven..." he whispered, not wanting to wake her up. When she didn't budge, he smiled and slowly climbed in the bed. He wrapped his arms around her and held onto her tightly.

      "Mike..." Eleven muttered, half asleep.

      "Yes, it's me." Mike relplied, his breath tingling the back of Eleven's neck. "Goodnight, El."

      "Goodnight Mike." Eleven whispered, falling back to sleep in Mike arms.

      Max grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. She rushed out of the house before Billy could say anything to her and hopped on her bike. Quickly, she rode over to Dustin's house and knocked.

      Dustin opened the door with a big smile. "Hey, Max! Lucas and Will are already here. We're still waiting for Eleven and Mike."

      "Okay." Max said. She felt like she was going to throw up to be honest. But she said nothing of it. She had seen Mike and Eleven all the time, but she still felt nervous around them. Eleven hadn't spoken a word to her, but Mike was starting to soften up around her. Max hoped Eleven would soon, too. She didn't know why, she just felt that it needed to happen.

Will and Lucas were sitting at the table in Dustin's kitchen, laughing about some piece of paper Will had in his hands. Max walked over to them. "Hey Will," she said, then looked at Lucas with a smile. "Hey Stalker." Stalker. The name was still what she called him. And Lucas didn't mind.

Lucas smiled. "Hey, Max." He stood up and kissed her lips softly.

Max blushed, and then took ahold of Lucas' hand. They sat down together at the table, their fingers still intertwined.

Shortly after, there was a knock at the door. Max jumped lightly and looked at it. Lucas got up and ran to get the door. He opened it, and there was Mike and Eleven. They were holding hands with smiles on their faces. For some reason, this made Max feel envious. She didn't like seeing Eleven with Mike. It made her stomach twist. She looked at Will, and saw the expression on his face. It seemed like felt the same.

"Eleven, why don't you go sit beside Max?" Mike said, Lucas smiling at them.

Eleven looked at Mike confused. "Why?" She asked bluntly. "I don't want to."

"You should talk to her." Mike said, trying to smile the best he could.

Eleven continued to look at Mike as she walked over to the kitchen table. Slowly, she sat down beside Max.

Max smiled. "Hi Eleven." She said. "You look pretty today."

Pretty. That word, to Eleven, only associated with romance sort of topics. She found it weird that it was coming from Max. No one except Mike had ever said anything about her being pretty. "Thank you..." she whispered, still confused, but at the same time blushing.

"You're welcome..." Max replied, unsure of what to say next. All of the boys were staring at them, waiting for something to happen.

But nothing did for moments.

Mike sat on the opposite side of Eleven, beside Will. Lucas and Dustin sat at the ends of the table.

"You look pretty, too, Max..." Eleven said, breaking the silence.

The sides of Max's lips rose, her teeth showing through a smile. "Thank you..." She said.

Maybe Eleven didn't hate her like she thought.

to be continued

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