Chapter Three "Affectionate Eyes"

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They Don't Know About The Things We Do
Chapter Three
"Affectionate Eyes"

They Don't Know About The Things We DoChapter Three"Affectionate Eyes"

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Max threw her bag across the room and closed her door. She rolled her eyes and lay down on the bed. Her feelings were so aggravating, especially because Lucas was her boyfriend. And Eleven had a boyfriend. She groaned. Why was everything so complicated? Then suddenly, a knock was on her front door. She raised from the bed and ran to the door.

"Hey Max!" Lucas said as she opened the door. He wrapped his arms around her lovingly and pulled her into a hug.

"Oh... hey Lucas." Max said, a little annoyed but not mentioning it.

"You busy?" Lucas asked.

"Uh..." Max turned around, no one was home. She had nothing better to do. "Nope."

"Wanna come ride around with me? The weather is so nice." Lucas suggested with a grin.

"Of course." Max said, trying her best not to sound rude, and walked out with Lucas to his bike. She hopped on the back of it and they rode around.

The weather was nice and cool, which was odd since it was the middle of summer. All of a sudden, the bike took a big curve into the woods. Max didn't question it, though. She just thought they were taking a shortcut back to her house. But then they pulled up to Will's driveway. Max looked around, confused.

"Just knock." Lucas said as Max stepped off. Then he rode away. "Love youu!!"

Max hesitated, but then walked over to Will's house and knocked. Will opened the door with a small smile.

"Come in, please." Will said happily. Max walked in and looked around. "Eleven's in my room."

"Oh, I wasn't.."

"Just knock." Will said.

Max thought Lucas and Will had been up to something. But... That means Will must've told Lucas she liked Eleven. That means Lucas knew that Max didn't want to be with him anymore. And he was okay with that? After all this time of them together, he really just gave up on her like that?

"You told him..." Max whispered.

"Don't get mad, Max. I didn't tell him anything, I swear." Will said, setting his hands on Max's shoulders. "I just suggested that you and Eleven should hang out together, and he liked that idea."

Max felt a wave of relief wash over her. A smile slowly spread on her face. "Thank you, Will."

Will just nodded and walked away. Max knew she would repay him at some point with Mike.

She walked over to Will's room and knocked on the door. Eleven used her mind to open the door slowly.

"Oh... hi Max." Eleven said, then briefly looked down.

Max shut the door behind her and sat down beside Eleven, who was on the floor messing with the dungeons and dragons pieces.

Max looked up at Eleven. "What are those?"

Eleven ignored the red-haired girl and continued to mess with the toys.

When Eleven didn't answer, Max asked, "How's your day been?"

Eleven just shrugged.

"Do you want to talk about anything?"

Eleven shook her haid.

Max sighed. "Eleven, why do you hate me so much? If you just told me I'd leave you alone."

Eleven stared at Max for moments, then said, "I don't hate you."

Mad looked up at Eleven, a powerful feeling rushing through her body. It was something indescribable, something she had only felt meagerly before. "What?"

"I don't hate you, Max." Eleven whispered. "You are perfect."

Max stared at Eleven for a while. They spoke no words. Yet they were both speaking with their yearning, affectionate eyes.

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