Chapter Four "The Slide"

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They Don't Know About The Things We Do
Chapter Four
"The Slide"

Eleven and Max continued to hang out the next two weeks, but only with Will knowing

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Eleven and Max continued to hang out the next two weeks, but only with Will knowing. But it was only at Will's house. Finally, Max asked if Eleven would like to go to the park. Eleven had no idea what that was, but she had agreed to go anyways.

Max took Eleven's hand and intertwined their fingers slowly. She gently pulled her to the park that was only around ten minutes down the road. On the way they talked about the seasons. Eleven said she liked when the leaves turned colors and fell, and Max said that was called Autumn. Eleven loved Autumn. It reminded her of Max's beautiful locks.

When they arrived, Max quickly led Eleven up the stairs. She showed Eleven the slide.

"That's a slide," she said.

"Slide." Eleven repeated with a small smile. "How does it work?"

"I'll show you!" Max exclaimed. She let go of Eleven's hand and sat down on the plastic contraption. Slowly, she pushed off and her body went rapidly down, her hair blowing behind her. She reached the end, got up, and then looked at Eleven. "Now you try."

Eleven sat down, but was too anxious to go down. Max realized this. She kneeled at the bottom of the slide and held her arms out.

"Come on, El. I'll catch you! Don't worry!" Max said calmingly.

Eleven slowly pushed herself off, a giggle escaping her lips as she slid down into Max's lap.

Max wrapped her arms around Eleven with a wide smile. "You did it!" She cheered.

Then, it was like the world stopped as they looked into each other's eyes. The feelings they felt were indescribable, but yet so perfect. Their lips were begging to touch each others. And just as Max closed her eyes, a voice yelled, "Hey girls!"

They both quickly jumped and looked over. Mike was running towards them, Will following slowly behind, an ashamed look on his face.

"Since when did you two become friends?" Mike said, approaching them with a big smile on his face.

"Oh, we've been hanging out a lot," Max said. She looked over at Will, who mouthed: "I'm so sorry."

"Really? El didn't tell me." Mike said, he kind of seemed disappointed, but Max couldn't tell for sure.

"Sorry. I've been busy..." Eleven said. Max looked at her. She knew how hard it was for Eleven to lie, but somehow it seemed so easy for her right now.

"Well, I was thinking about taking everyone in the party to the beach. My dad just got a raise and he said I could take my friends somewhere for a couple of days. Do you guys want to come?" Mike asked.

"Beach?" Eleven asked. Max nodded. "It's really fun. You'll love it there, El."

"Okay. I'll go." Eleven said.

Hopefully they would get some alone time there.

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