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Minjae's P.O.V


I groaned as I turned of my alarm. It was time to get ready for another day at hell. I got up from my bed as I stumbled into the bathroom to take a quick shower and do my morning routine. After using the bathroom I changed into my school uniform and tied my straight, chocolate brown hair up into a high ponytail.

I grabbed my bag which was placed by my bedroom closet and slipped my phone into my pocket before making my way down the stairs and into the living room.

I placed my bag down by the door and made my way into the kitchen to make some breakfast for myself. Once I was done, I took a seat at the dining table to enjoy my delicious breakfast. I loved bacon and eggs along with a cup of orange juice.

I ate my breakfast in silence since I lived alone and didn't have anyone to talk to. My parents live in Busan since their company's main branch is there. They told me that they wanted me to continue studying at my current school since it would be hard to transfer my high school credits from one school to another since I'm in my last year of high school or something like that.

After eating my breakfast, I placed my dishes in the dish washer. I wore my white converses and grabbed my bag and began my journey to hell.

Once I reached the school grounds, I was greeted by my 2 best friends, Choi Minyoung and Kim Jira.

"Jae!" Jira Cheered as she gave me a bone crushing hug.

"Hello to you too, Ra!" I smiled at her.

"Did he come across your path today?" Minyoung asked, emphasizing the word 'he' as she kept her eyes glued onto her phone screen. She was probably reading fanfictions again.

"Luckily, I didn't have to face the main demon of this hell on my way here." I rolled my eyes in annoyance just by thinking of him.

We entered the school and made our way to our classes since the it was almost 8:00am and the bell was going to ring. Luckily, Jira, Minyoung and I had Chemistry for our 1st period, and Physics for our last period.

With Him and his girlfriend, the witch.

We walked into our classroom and took our seats at the back.

As for our seating arrangements, he who must not be named was assigned to sit next to me.

I noticed him walk in with his ugly girlfriend, Kwon Minah. He walked toward the desk beside me while Minah gave me a death glare .

Moments later the bell rang, signalling for everyone to go to their classes. One by one, the students walked into the classroom filling up majority of the empty seats.

Our Physics teacher, Ms. Kim, entered the classroom with her supplies and walked to the teacher's desk.

"Good morning class!" Ms. Kim said cheerfully.

"Good morning Ms. Kim." The class responded in unison.

She then began teaching the lesson as I scribbled drawings in my notebook.

I honestly don't understand how I am able to get high grades when I never pay attention in class. Neither does Jira yet she always gets good grades as well. But Minyoung is really smart. In fact, she's the highest grade student in our school. She came in top 10 overall out of 256 contestants who were our age taking part in an IQ test throughout South Korea.

During the middle of class, I could feel my hair being tugged. I looked to my right only to see him with a few strands of my hair rapped around his dirty paws as he kept on pulling at it. I quickly slapped his hand away as the sound of the slap echoed through the classroom.

"Jungkook, stop." I give him a death glare as I go back to doodling on my notebook.

Ms. Kim turns around and scanned the classroom searching for the source of the noise. Luckily, she didn't know it was me.

She continued on with her class as I felt my hair being pulled yet once again. This time, I tried to ignore it, but it wasn't as easy done as said.

It started off with slight tugging, then a bit harder, and then a bit more. It went so far to the point where I felt a single strand of hair being pulled out of my head.

"Ow!" I said as I rubbed the spot over my hair tie, where my hair was pulled out from.

"Is everything alright, Ms. Park?" Ms. Kim turned to look at me.

"Jungkook kee-"

"She's fine. Her hair tie was too tight." He cut me off.

I just rolled my eyes and continued to scribble in my notebook.


I walked to the cafeteria after being stuck with Jungkook for 3 whole hours.

I decided to walk around the school courtyard since I wasn't very hungry.

"Jae! Wait up!" Jira came running up to me. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not really hungry. You guys can go and eat at cafeteria without me today." I smiled.

"You sure?" Minyoung raised her brow as I nodded in response.

"Alright! Come on Minnie!" Jira dragged Minyoung away to the cafeteria.

"Okay No. Stop. Do Not Call Me Minnie." I could hear them bickering in the distance.

I began to make my way to the courtyard and decided to walk around for a bit.

"And what the hell do you think you're doing?" I rolled my eyes at the sound of that annoying voice. I ignored her and continued walking around, trying to enjoy the beautiful weather.

"Girls," Minah ordered as 2 of her minions pinned me up against the wall. I looked to the ground, avoiding the situation of me becoming blind if I look at them.

"Don't ignore me when I'm talking to you, Bitch." Minah slapped me across the face hard.

"You almost got my Boyfriend in trouble today." She grabbed a hand full of my long hair and pulled it.

"Let her go! What the hell?!" I sighed of relief as Jira and Minyoung came rushing towards me.

"I swear if you don't let her go," Jira began

"Minah~" Minah instantly let go of my hair at the sound of Jungkook's voice and fell to the floor "crying".

"Minah?!?! Minah!!! What's wrong?!" Jungkook rushed to her, crouched down in front of her and pat her back trying to comfort her.

"P-Please d-don't hurt me, M-Minjae." She then began to sob louder than ever.

"What the fuck did you do to her?!" Jungkook yelled as he hugged her while she "sobbed".

"Me?! I promise I didn't even touch her!" I responded.

"Sh-she's lying!" Minah cried out. "She threatened to hit me."

"What the hell?!?!?! Minjae would never hurt a fly." Minyoung defended me.

"If this happens again, I won't let you go." Jungkook warned.

"W-what? But Jungkook, you can't let her go this easily!" Minah protested.

"It's fine. Now she knows not to touch you." He glared at me.


Hello!!! I hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of 'The Hot Bully'.

Cliche, I know.

I just really wanted to give this book a try though.

Also, Thank you so much for giving this book a shot.

This book will not contain any smut (I think). I really suck at writing smuts, so I highly doubt that I'll be writing one.

Thank You!!!

The Hot Bully JungkookOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant