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Park Minjae's P.O.V

Minyoung's mother stopped her car right in front of my house as I thanked her for dropping me home and made my way towards the house.

Once their car was out of sight, I entered the house, took off my shoes, and began making my way towards my room upstairs.

I changed into some sweatpants and a white T-shirt.

I then sat on my desk and began to do my homework.


After doing my homework, the day had gone by pretty fast and it was soon time for bed.



I turned off the alarm as I got out of bed and went straight for the bathroom to change. 

I woke up extra early since there was a student council meeting today.

I did my morning routine and changed into my school uniform.

I was too lazy to make myself some breakfast this morning, so I grabbed a snack bar and headed out of the house.

I walked to school in silence as I ate my snack bar.

Minutes after walking, I had reached my school. I walked down the hall and proceeded to the meeting room.

I saw the school presidents, Minyoung and Yoongi, seated at the very end of the meeting table, and the school vice presidents, Jira and Taehyung, seated next to them. Our school rule was that there had to be one male and female that took each role in student council. I took my seat beside them as I took on the role of the school secretary along with Kwon Hyesu.

Then 2 class representatives from each grade, which was grade 9 - 12, were seated on random chairs of the meeting table.

"As we all know, the school year is coming to an end." Yoongi spoke up.

"So we thought that we should have some sort of 'End Of The Year' celebration." Minyoung said.

"Does anyone have any ideas for this celebration?" Jira asked the rest of student council.

We all shared our thoughts and planned out which class was going to bring what.

Soon, it was time for class and we all made way to our classrooms.

"Alright class! The school year is almost over and just like every other graduating class, the staff has planned a very special graduation trip for you guys!" My Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Park announced.

"The trip will be held next week." She said as she walked around the class, passing out the forms for the trip.


Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long. I've just been really busy. I'll try to update a bit more often.

Thank you for reading!

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