hello kitty band aids

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"kookie! where are the wavos?"

i hop up off of my bed and walked over to the kitchen where my best friend was calling me from.

"the what?"




"you mean huevos?"


i facepalm jokingly at my best friend's silly behavior this morning. i direct him to where the eggs were sitting in the refrigerator and he automatically sighs as he lifted them up and stared at them lovingly.

"you seriously couldn't see them?" i ask him.

"no, putar. i don't have my contacts in."



"you mean puta?"


"sigh, whatever. i'll go get your glasses."

taehyung nods and i stroll over to our shared bedroom and i pick up his thin gold glasses that rested on his night stand. i walk back over to taehyung who is getting out a pan from our cupboard. i tap him on the shoulder and he turns around with a lost puppy look. i giggle softly as i placed his glasses on. he gives a light smile before proceeding to do whatever the hell he was trying to do.

"what are you doing, tae?"

"making breakfast, obviously."

"but we have to go to school in, like, 45 minutes and plus we still have to catch the train."

"well my good friend, i do not care if we are late. you haven't been eating breakfast and lunch. you nearly passed out once! but now i'm dedicating my morning into making you and i breakfast."

"tae, you do—"

"eh eh eh kookie. i'm making us breakfast that's it."

i sigh as taehyung smiles and places me on the counter and then goes back to his work. i cross my legs and i swing my legs back and forth as i watch tae cook. it was always amusing and cute to see him so concentrated. he finally gets the eggs on the pan and the eggs start to sizzle.

"shit!" tae grunts as he holds onto his small nose. i immediately hop off the counter and go over to tae and i take his hands off his face. i notice a pink burn on the bridge of his nose. he must've burnt himself on one of the sizzle things that were protruding from the eggs. his face suddenly lights up and he scurries off into the bathroom. i giggle and i wait for him to come back. a few seconds later, he skips back and i notice something. it was a bright pink hello kitty band aid plastered onto his nose.

"is that—"

"hello kitty? yes."

"who gave those to you?"

"jin hyung of course."

before taehyung goes back to his cooking, he scrunches his nose cutely i let a smile creep on my face as i walk back over to the counter i was sitting on and i struggle to get back on but eventually make it up. after a few minutes, taehyung was finally down making breakfast. he wrapped them up in some foil so we could eat on the train on the way to our highschool. after he's done making them, he hands me one in my hand before taking my other hand and helping me off the counter. we grab our book bags and i grab the house keys. we make our way out of the door and tae slings his arm over my shoulders. we walk and walk until we reach the train station where the train has just arrived. we walked on and took a seat next to each other. i took out my phone and whipped out my ear buds. i placed one in my ear and i offered the other one to tae and he placed it in his ear. i pick on a random playlist that i made and the music begins to play. we take out the breakfast sandwiches that taehyung has made himself and began to eat while riding to school.

the train arrives to the highschool and we hop off the train. i wrapped up my earbuds and placed them back into my backpack before walking together with tae to the building. there was still about 20 more minutes until classes started so taehyung and i decided to chill outside in front of the building. i pick a patch of grass to sit on. i placed down my backpack and sat down comfortably against a tree. taehyung sat down as well. he placed his head in my lap comfortably as he caught a couple minutes of sleep before classes would begin. after about 15 minutes of me daydreaming and taehyung napping, i begin to see students heading inside the building, so i took this as the que to head inside as well. i poke at taehyung's fluffy cheek a few times before he finally wakes up. he grunts a bit but finally he decides to get up and actually put effort into getting an education. we walked in together and i can already notice the glances and giggles from people. and i knew exactly why there was a sudden attention grabber.

it's that bright ass band aid plastered on tae's face.

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