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after going through the rest of hell, ehem i mean school, i has to go to the corner store to pick up some extra highlighters. i told taehyung that he could go home but he protested and decided to come with me anyway. we walk in together and i automatically jolt for the pack of colorful highlighters. something about me is that i have always enjoyed taking pretty notes. my half of the bedroom was basically decorated with pretty stationary items. i examines all of the stationary in my sight lovingly but i can see taehyung in the corner of my eye looking awfully bored.

"kookie, this is boring. why did you invite me?"

"i didn't invite you. i insisted that you could go home without me, but you protested and decided to follow me here."

taehyung shrugged before skipping off to wherever. i giggle before looking back at the items in front of me. i decided to just pick out a pack of highlighters and some pens. i walk over to the cashier ready to pay before a jumpy taehyung came to the counter as well. he places down a pack of sour patch kids and smiles at me smugly. i just decided to give in and pay for the things. i mean he did pay for lunch which was not cheap either. i hand the cashier the money and he hands me back my change. i grab the red plastic bag that held our items before exiting the store. taehyung and i walk back to the train station following our regular routine. wait for the train, get on the train, listen to music, then get off. when we finally arrived back to our apartment complex, we place our backpacks by the door and we make our way to the room. i began to unpack my new stuff and placed it on my desk and soon after tossing tae's sour patch kids onto his bed. i went back to putting everything on my desk before sitting down at my desk.

"i'm gonna go wash my face and brush my teeth."

i nod before getting out my laptop and opening the study plan that i was supposed to study for class. but i only got to look at it for 5 minutes before taehyung came back, hopping over to me. he was into wearing a large beige hoodie that barely covered his thighsas well as black high socks with his thin gold specs sitting at the top of his nose. his cheeks were a tinted with his natural blush that always spread across his cheeks and his lips were plump. he looked at me cutely as he ate his sour patch kids.

"what are you doing?" taehyung asked, holding out a sour patch kid for me to take and i take it between my teeth still concentrated on my screen.


"studying? i don't think so." taehyung turns me over in my computer chair before lifting me up onto the floor. i sigh as i comply. i close my laptop behind me as tae claps his hands.

"now go get in your sleeping clothes. i wanna cuddle and eat snacks," taehyung tells me before running off into the kitchen. i smile before i turn to my dresser and i pick out whatever clothes i find to wear to sleep. i decide to just wear some black sweatpants and no shirt because why not. fuck shirts. i plop myself onto my bed and i whip out my phone form my pocket as i wait for taehyung to return to the bedroom. finally he returns but when he opens up the door he automatically freezes and begins to blush. he sighs before walking over to my bed and placing our snack on the night stand. he turns on the lamp and runs over to the light switch but being that he was wearing nothing but tight black booty shorts and a large hoodie, i got a lil peek at that ass. he turns off the light before hopping back over to my bed. he plops down and cuddles himself into my bare chest. he slings his leg over mine as i wrap my arms around him comfortably. i switch on the tv and pick some show to watch. taehyung adjusts himself some more until his warm body was completely pressed against mine.


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