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"i fucking hate school," i said, looking up at my best friend who was walking beside me. it was finally lunch time and we were hungry as hell and since the cafeteria food is actually shit, we decided to go to a corner restaurant near the school. we both agreed on getting ramyeon, but we just didn't know where to get it from. all of the sudden, taehyung's eyes light up.

"couples get 50% off!" taehyung squealed and i just looked at him confused.

"wait what??"

"kookie, there's no time for protests. just grab my hand and let's go!" i couldn't utter out a single word before taehyung has grabbed my wrist and placed his hand into mine and intertwining our fingers. i'm not gonna lie, it made me flustered to have taehyung's warm hands in mine. he gave me a light smile before he began to sprint, with me still in hand, to the entrance of the ramyeon place that he had found. there was a small line to get in so we just waited for a bit. when it was finally time for us to step into the restaurant, taehyung has whispered something into my ear.

"just go with it."

as we step up to the stand the host was standing behind, i feel taehyung's arm snake around my small waist causing me to blush an insane red. he made me blush even more when i feel his long fingers tracing circles on my bare skin being that he had slightly lifted my shirt from the side.

"hi, can we get a table for two please?"

the host nods as he calls out a waiter who will guide us to our table. the waiter arrives within seconds and he leads us to our table. we take our seats across from each other and thank the waiter. after the waiter has left, i take this as the opportunity to kick taehyung.

"yah! what the hell!" he grunts, holding onto his leg under the table.

"why did you do that?" i emphasize my words so he knows what i'm talking about.

"i do not recall what you are stating about."

"yes you do!" i can feel my cheeks getting even hotter.

"aw it looks like someone's flustered." taehyung teases, i simply roll my eyes playfully before looking back at the menu, but i can still feel taehyung's eyes on me.

"what? is there something on my face?" i ask him.

"you're cute."

"i'm not. stop"

"yes you are"

"s-stop." i begin to get shy again as i cover my face. i feel taehyung's hands on my wrist as he takes my hands off my face.

"awww! so cuttEEEeee!"

"tae, stop. you're making me sh-shy."

"i know and that's cute too."

my wrists were still cupped gently in taehyung's hands as i begin to turn even redder if that's even possible. i look away shyly as a light smile forms on my face. taehyung coos one more time before he boops my nose and goes back to reading his menu. i take a deep breath and go back to mine as well. taehyung and i decide what we want and the waiter comes back to our table.

"why don't you order first, baby?" taehyung turns to me with a smug grin on his face. oh god, this again? this is gonna be embarrassing. i feel my cheeks getting hot once again before i look up at the waiter.

"c-can i get beef ramyeon and a coke p-please?"

the waiter nods before looking over at taehyung.

"i'll take the same."

the waiter nods once again and smiles.

"your order will be out shortly."

we hand him our menus and he goes off into the kitchen. i adjust myself in my chair before looking at taehyung.



"i-i like it when you call me that."

"what? baby?"


i guess i'll have to use it more then."

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